Rasmus (75) has 700,000 views on TikTok – NRK Vestland


– Do you think what to say? asks Olav Brudvik Sunde.

He will record a video for the TikTok app and tell Grandpa Rasmus Sunde what to do in front of the camera. Olav counts down from and in three, Rasmus slides into the picture, just like he’s been told.

– It went well, says Olav while editing the video on the phone.

It all started with Olav himself using the app. After consulting with Rasmus’s other grandchildren, he discovered that his grandfather also had to go online.

– He’s had appearances on birthdays and things like that and we thought it was fun, so we thought he might come to TikTok, said Olav.

When they are together, they make multiple videos at the same time. The ideas come from the grandchildren themselves or the wishes of the sailors.

Rasmus Sunde with grandson

CREATIVE: Rasmus Sunde thinks his grandchildren have a lot of great ideas for TikTok videos.

Photo: Seline Larsen / NRK

– They are so creative. It’s very exciting that they get to get to these scenes and that it hits, says Rasmus.

Big audience

Now, his videos have been viewed up to 700,000 times. Furthermore, the user now has more than 3,500 followers. At first, they set a goal of 1000 followers. As a thank you, they promised to dye Rasmus’s hair when the goal was reached.

– So I said I would dye my hair black, like Elvis, Rasmus said.

And the promise kept them going. Olav and the other grandchildren spray dyed their grandfather’s hair black. Of course, everything was filmed for TikTok.

Rasmus Sunde gets black hair for TikTok.

HAIR COLOR: Rasmus Sunde gets black hair for TikTok.


– It is also a fun entertainment for us. Not just for those who see it, but also within the family, Rasmus says.

I have to decide the name myself

When the grandchildren set up a farm for Rasmus, they asked him what it should be called.

– Then I suggested «raspekaka». I had that nickname when I was little because I really liked raspberry cake, Rasmus said.

– Very funny name, confirms Olav.

I think i could hit

Marika Lüders, a professor in the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo, believes that a grandfather on TikTok is something that can attract attention.

– When you scroll through the feed, you are mainly dealing with relatively young people. There are also some older people who pass by and are something else.

He also thinks that this can be a good activity as long as the content has a positive charge in the form of short humorous videos.

– It seems like an activity between generations that is positive and enjoyable, and something that is done as a team, says Lüders.

IN-GAME: Rasmus makes TikTok videos with his grandchildren.
