Rape, Dentist | Dentist raped partner for several years


The abuse is said to have taken place in the period from 2014 to 2019.

According to the indictment, the man in his 40s must have given the partner strong narcotics before carrying out the rapes. He writes TV 2. The man, who used to work as a dentist in eastern Norway, had access to several powerful anesthetics.

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In the rapes of her partner, the dentist is said to have given the woman midazolam and rohypnol. The first is a sleep-inducing drug that is sometimes used in connection with surgical procedures, writes TV 2.

At least 100 milliliters

Rohypnol is known as the “rape drug” since the person who ingests it often loses consciousness and the sedative has been found in several cases of rape in the past.

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The indictment states that the dentist must have carried at least 100 milliliters of midazolam with him in recent years, as well as two rohypnol tablets, from a dentist’s office in the period from 2016 or 2017 to October 2019. The indictment further claims the man also took at least 3 milliliters of midazolam from another dentist’s office in the period from 2018 to 2019.

He checked himself

It was last year that the man confronted his partner, so he chose to go to the police to report it himself.

– This accusation would not have been as it was if it had not put all the cards on the table, says the prosecutor and prosecutor in the case, Cecilie Schløsser Møller to TV 2.

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The channel also writes that the man is said to have used a bottle of perfume, syringes and a spatula, several of the times he raped his partner.

Admitted guilt

The dentist has pleaded guilty and wants to end the case and receive his punishment, says the man’s defender on TV 2. The woman in turn also wants to finish the case as soon as possible, because the case has been a great burden for her . , according to her assistant attorney.

The case is scheduled for the Oslo District Court on Wednesday September 9.
