Raja with good news for first-class football


With reservation, the Minister of Culture Abid Raja (V) gives the green light to the soccer training matches from mid-April and that the start of the series will be as planned on the first weekend of May.

The Culture Minister told VG on Wednesday afternoon.

The caveat is that the contagion situation allows it in three and a half weeks.

Raja also says that top-level football must use the new infection control protocol that the Norwegian Football Association (NFF) has presented to health authorities.

– The important thing now is that we create predictability for the best sports. Therefore, we launched the following ambition: We aim to train outdoor matches in sports where most athletes have it as a profession, either full time or part time at the end of week 15, Raja tells VG.

The Minister of Culture explains to the newspaper that only training matches can be played outdoors. So not in the hallways.

– This is not a guarantee and there may be a cold shower later. We have two options: get away with this now, or just sit back and wait. But everything presupposes that we are in control, says Raja to VG.
