Punishment for refusing and wearing face masks in Indonesia


Eight people have been sentenced to a new type of punishment when they refused to wear face masks in the town of Gresik, East Java in Indonesia.

A local politician proposed an unconventional punishment for the crime: digging graves for victims of the crown pandemic, according to the Jakarta Post.

“There are only three undertakers available at the moment so I thought I could put these people to work with them,” Suyono, a local politician and Cerme district leader, told Indonesian Tribun News.

– Hopefully this can have a deterrent effect against crime, added Suyono.

KISTESTRAFF: People who refuse to wear masks in the Indonesian capital Jakarta can choose from various punishments, such as fines, community service or being mocked in a coffin. Photo: NTB Scanpix
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The penalty consists solely of manual excavation. There are still health workers, with full protective equipment, who tend to the dead.

Indonesia introduced bandaging orders across the country in early April, but not everyone follows the order and these can be punished with fines or community service.

The latest figures from Indonesia show that the country has more than 225,030 confirmed corona cases and 8,965 deaths.
