Public expenditure, Bent Høie | Chaos around a large project in the health system: – Unfortunate if this goes out into the public space


The great project that would revolutionize 113 telephones was promoted by another part of the health service. – This is a scandal, a central health official tells Nettavisen.

It is not only in the private business sector where resources, responsibilities and large projects are disputed. A project to introduce video for emergency phones in 113 has been the subject of conflict and chaos in the health system.

The system was to revolutionize 113 video calls. When necessary, people call 113 and get an operator on the ear. Through video, misunderstandings can be avoided and the operator sees the same as the caller. At worst, these misunderstandings can lead to death. In particular, the health trust has discussed problems with language challenges and lack of descriptions for health personnel.

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Vestre Viken decided to start working on the project in 2018 and visited several actors who have already sought similar solutions. But according to the company, no one had done this on a scale that suited the health service.

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Therefore, they took on the task of developing the solution in collaboration with the leading Norwegian companies in this field. In collaboration with the tech industry, they organized a so-called “Hackaton” in Kongsberg in February 2019. Ultimately, it was an open workshop for computer engineers where the most innovative healthcare solutions were chosen.

However, this solution is not only easy to implement. For this, you must also take care of the strict privacy in the health service.

“Although there is a similar technology today, it is about developing a system within the current regulations that protects privacy and information security,” he says in one of the documents that Nettavisen has had access to.

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Shortly after Vestre Viken spoke with the suppliers and studied the solution, they requested money from Innovation Norway to carry out the project. They are requesting NOK 6 million and will be awarded NOK 10 million in June 2019.

During the project, Vestre Viken informs the other companies and especially the Oslo University Hospital (OUS) that they are working on the project. Both the OUS and the Norwegian Health Directorate are members of the project steering group.

But on January 29, 2020, Vestre Viken sounds the alarm following a message of concern. Along the way, although they have kept both the management and the OUS informed about the project, the OUS and the Norwegian Air Ambulance have developed a parallel project without informing the health authority.

The online newspaper has had access to several hundred documents related to this project. A director of Vestre Viken writes a letter of concern to his superiors, in which he writes:

“On the part of VV (Vestre Viken journal. Note), we may find ourselves in a situation where we are asked whether we have ‘misled’ Innovation Norway and have been allocated funds incorrectly.”

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Furthermore, it says:

“If this unfortunate story comes to light in the public space, I see that there may be a risk that questions will be asked about the reason why health trusts have not collaborated on this project and the use of public funds.”

After the alarm is sounded, a meeting takes place between Vestre Viken and Helse Sør-Øst, who decides on OUS and Vestre Viken. It is clear that the OUS project is on hold and that they will join the project in Vestre Viken. Displays documents that Nettavisen has accessed.

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Back welding

But it doesn’t happen. The OUS project in collaboration with the Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation continues. On June 29, 2020, more people in Vestre Viken Health Trusts will change. Central health service sources Nettavisen has spoken with say they were shocked after NRK published a major case in which Health Minister Bent Høie, in collaboration with OUS and the Norwegian Air Ambulance, comes out and talks about the solution they should put on ice.

Click the pic to enlarge.  REACTIONS

REACTIONS: When this article was published on June 29, an alarm sounded in Vestre Viken.
Photo: Facsimile: NRK

– This is a unique solution, a revolution for plant 113 staff, Høie tells NRK.

A central company health chief tells Nettavisen that it is very unfortunate that they have found themselves in a situation where they are sitting and developing two similar solutions within the same regional health company.

– It would have been more appropriate for all parties if the companies could cooperate and therefore develop the best solution together.

You cannot name the source for the good of the workplace.

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The Ministry responds

The Ministry of Health, for its part, believes that it is not correct that the two solutions are exactly the same, and that video calls were launched from OUS in relation to the coronavirus as a temporary solution.

– We are not talking about two similar solutions. One solution has already been developed by the Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation and is a video solution for both VET and emergency centers. The solution is now in pilot form and is a temporary tool they wanted to test in connection with the corona pandemic, says Secretary of State Frøydis Høyem (H).

She believes that there is a clear distinction in the solution developed at Vestre Viken.

– The innovation project at Vestre Viken has a broader perspective and contains to a greater extent elements of collaboration, in addition to the development of tools, says Høyem.

– Did the Ministry of Health know that there were two similar solutions?

– We are not talking about two similar solutions. The ministry was aware of both projects when it was commissioned to start a technology-based video transmission pilot project that had been developed through the first aid service, Høyem says.

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– Why has the ministry already been so in favor of a solution?

– We are excited about all the initiatives and development work that aim to provide the population with better health services in the future and that can help save more lives. Both projects will help the population obtain better solutions in the future, he says.

But the ministry does not want to comment on why it was announced that a project should be frozen, while shortly after it was launched and praised by the health minister in the media. Instead, they mean Health South-East.

But Health South-East doesn’t have a clear answer either. Because they received the order from the Norwegian Health Directorate, which is subordinate to the Ministry of Health.

– During the corona pandemic, on April 5, the Nødnett HF Health Service operations organization received a letter from the Norwegian Health Directorate stating that the solution developed by the Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation you should be introduced to specialist health service, writes communications consultant Anne-Brit Bøe at Health South-East in an email.
