Proven against coronary measures: 72 infected after collapse


In late April, thousands demonstrated outside the Madison government building, protesting against coronary restrictions that forced people to stay at their homes in the state of Wisconsin.

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, protesters stood shoulder to shoulder with a flag.
and signs saying “All workers are essential” and “Death … is preferable to communism”.

There were several calls for Democrat Gov. Tony Evers to keep stores and schools open and the wheels running.

I did not follow the advice

Photos from the event show that many of the participants did not appear to follow the advice to stay two meters away, use mouthwash or other protection.

The same day the demonstration took place, Wisconsin reached the highest number of confirmed infected in one day: 304 people.

Now, the Associated Press news agency reports that 72 people have been infected after attending a major event.

State health authorities spokeswoman Elizabeth Goodsitt tells the AP that those who test positive on covid-19 are asked if they have attended major events where there have been clashes. But the authorities had not asked
specifically if they had attended the demonstration on April 24.
