– Proud to be named among the other heroes – VG


I WANT TO LEAVE: Congressman Adam Kinzinger was one of 17 Republicans named by Donald Trump in a speech Sunday. Photo: Jacquelyn Martin / AP

ORLANDO / OSLO (VG) In his first speech since leaving the presidency, Donald Trump read the names of all the Republicans who wanted to put him on trial. – Get rid of them all, he asked.


Ten Republican congressmen and seven senators voted to bring Donald Trump to trial after the violent assault on Congress in Washington DC on January 6.

The strong backlash has cleared up the infighting within the Republican Party: those who want Trump to continue in a strong role and those who want the party to move on. without the previous president.

During his first speech since leaving the presidency, Donald Trump jumped right into the heated discussion.

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From the stage of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida, he first asserted that the party was united, before speaking out against Republicans who, according to him, use their energy to attack him and his voters in instead of the Democrats.

He then read the names of the 17 Republicans who supported a Supreme Court case against him through votes in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Most affected was Congresswoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming, ranked as the third most powerful Republican in the House of Representatives. Among other things, they called her a “warlord” in Trump’s speech.

– The good news is that she has been reprimanded in her own state and her support has waned faster than anyone else I have seen. Hopefully they get rid of it in the next election. Get rid of them all! said Trump mens come out buet.

See Trump’s full speech here:

– We will lose

Several of the names on the list have already seen clear consequences after the election to confront Trump: Many have received official reprimands from the Republican Party in their home states, and it has been argued that several of them should resign from Congress.

– Proud to be named among the other heroes in Trump’s speech! Congressman Adam Kinzinger wrote on Twitter Sunday.

He previously said that he has been ostracized by his own family after he voted to bring Trump to trial.

The congressman recently launched a so-called Super Pac, an organization that will raise money to support Republicans who have spoken out against Trump.

– Trump lost the election, FYI. Also, this speech is boring. We can’t win the presidency with this dull, dull and weak stream of thought, write more on Twitter, and call Trump a “has been.”

Kinzinger’s party colleague Bill Cassidy of Louisiana also doesn’t think Trump will be a good party candidate. He is one of seven senators mentioned by name in Trump’s speech.

– If we idolize a person, we will lose. It’s pretty clear based on the last election, he tells CNN.

TO The hill says it does not believe that Donald Trump is the party’s candidate in the 2024 election.

Outside the conference hotel in Orlando where Trump spoke Sunday, hundreds of shouting and flag-waving supporters had gathered. See photos from the VG photographer here:

Supported by voters

From the stage in Florida, Donald Trump hinted that he was toying with the idea of ​​running for office again.

– Who knows? “Maybe I’m going to win them a third time,” he told the audience.

And according to the Washington Post, Trump and his supporters still have the support of the majority of Republican voters. In a new poll by Quinnipiac University, three out of four Republicans say they believe the former president should continue to play an important role in the party.

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Also at the conservative CPAC conference, where Trump spoke, the support was clear: in a survey of participants, 55 percent of those who wanted the former president as the party’s candidate in the upcoming 2024 elections.

In another question, however, 15 percent said they do not want Trump to run for re-election, while 17 percent said they were not sure. According to CNN, this may indicate that there is a certain openness to bet on something new, also within the Republican Party.
