Proud Boys Burned Black Lives Matter Church Banner and Sign – NRK Urix – Foreign News and Documentaries


The vandals tore down a banner outside another nearby church. Both churches are located in the center of the American capital, in neighborhoods dominated by black residents.

The attack on the two churches took place at night after a series of violent clashes between Trump supporters and counter-protesters from Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

Investigate as a hate crime

Police confirmed Sunday that they are investigating two cases of vandalism at Asbury United Methodist Church and Metropolitan AMEChurch as possible hate crimes.

Mayor Muriel Bowser is upset.

– This weekend we have seen hateful forces trying to use destruction and threats to tear us apart. We won’t allow that, he said Sunday.

A video that was posted on Twitter shows a group of men appearing to tear down a banner with the text “Black Lives Matter” from the AME Metropolitan Church. Several in the group shout “Who says the street is?” Others respond “Our door!” Reports the AP news agency.

Proud Boys Member Takes Down a BLM Banner in Washington 12.12.2020

A member of the Proud Boys tears down a banner in front of a church in Washington. Shortly after, the banner was set on fire.


Another video shows youths pouring flammable liquid onto a BLM banner and setting it on fire. Others stop cheering. Several curse Antifa, the radical left anti-fascist movement that the Proud Boys has repeatedly clashed with. A few minutes later, a man comes forward and puts out the fire with a fire extinguisher.

Reminiscent of the crucifixion

A church leader compares what happened to the crucifixion.

– It pains me especially to see our name, Ashbury, on fire, says Pastor Ianther M. Mills.

– For me, this was a painful memory of the crucifixion. Seeing this on video angered me and determined me to fight this evil that has reared its ugly head, says a church sound ad.

The pastor says they won’t give up, but they will continue to fight believing that black lives make a difference. – We will continue to proclaim that truth.

Criticize the police for failing

The tenants of Black Lives Matter have condemned the attacks on the churches. They are critical of the police, who believe that in part “it allowed the followers of white supremacy to go crazy.”

April Goggans, who is in charge of Black Lives Matter in Washington, points to the mayor.

She blames Bowser for “sitting quietly and comfortably in his house while President Trump sends his thugs to use force against the people of the city.” Ho meiner Bowser’s statement is meaningless without action.

A police spokesman in Washington said Sunday that they take the attack seriously and are actively investigating.

According to AFP, this image shows a Proud Boys member kicking an Antifa protester during a rally in Washington on Saturday.

According to AFP, this image shows a member of the Proud Boys kicking an Antifa counter-protester during a demonstration in Washington on Saturday.


Stab and force

Hendinga overnight to Sunday arrived after several weekends with demonstrations in support of the president’s claims that he won the election. Sunday night ten culminated in stabbings and violence, with about 30 detainees. Several policemen were among the injured.

Four men were sent to hospital with injuries after being stabbed after a fight downtown. F

At least one suspect, a 29-year-old man, was arrested and charged with possession of a dangerous weapon. One of the knife victims is said to have pointed to the 29-year-old as the perpetrator.

Eight policemen were injured during the demonstrations.

After several large demonstrations in Washington in the past month, the police were better prepared on Saturday. They separated the two groups of protesters and cordoned off much of central Washington. They had also closed the section of the street that has been named Black Lives Plaza.

Washington Police Separate Protesters Antifa and Proud Boys 12.12.2020

Washington police had every right to separate the two groups of protesters in the city on Saturday.

Photo: ERIN SCOTT / Reuters / NTB

Bulletproof vest

This Saturday there were fewer protesters than on previous weekends, but according to local media it seemed that the Proud Boys group was more numerous than before. Several of them wore bulletproof vests as they marched through the city.

The group has received a lot of attention after the president in a debate in September asked the group to wait, but to stay ready (“back off and wait”). It was interpreted as asking him to be alert. He was harshly criticized for not wanting to condemn them.

On Monday, the Electoral College will make the formal election of the next president of the United States. There is little indication that it is hosted by anyone other than Joe Biden.
