Prosecutor in the Bertheussen case: – The play became an obsession


The prosecutor came to this when she raised what could be the reason for the threats with which the 55-year-old is accused. Formo read from the 1989 verdict, where the information emerges that he developed a pattern of negative behavior over many years, which eventually took on the character of a compulsive movement.

– The information and the total image of her is from 6 years to 30 years should have a little weight and compare it with her reaction after seeing “Ways of seeing”. His reaction ran in a negative direction after seeing the play, the prosecutor said.

Formo noted that Bertheussen was understandably embarrassed and offended. Also that he went to the police report.

– But it is the total and the intensity that affects. It became an obsession for the accused. She had a disproportionately strong reaction that led her to blacken those involved in the play, and she went to great lengths to generate suspicion about them, the prosecutor said.

Bertheussen believes he sent letters to create an alibi

The prosecution believes that Bertheussen subsequently sent letters to create his own alibi for the information he had provided during questioning.

The five submissions that were sent to the Elden law firm, Dagbladet and NRK in the wake of the threatening incidents against Wara, Bertheussen and Tybring-Gjedde, are not part of the criminal case in the Oslo District Court.

Laila Anita Bertheussen during the trial against her in room 250 of the Oslo District Court.  Bertheussen, who cohabits with former Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara, is accused of attacks on democracy and threats against prominent politicians.  Designer: Egil Nyhus / NTB

Laila Anita Bertheussen during the trial against her in room 250 of the Oslo District Court. Bertheussen, who cohabits with former Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara, is accused of attacks on democracy and threats against prominent politicians. Designer: Egil Nyhus / NTB

The prosecution still uses them as supporting material for the fact that it is Laila Anita Bertheussen who is behind the alleged conditions of threats and arson.

– Everything shows that shipments are built and organized. As we see it, the shipments were made by the accused to give a kind of alibi to the information she has given in the interrogation, said the prosecutor Formo in his closing procedure on Wednesday.

– She has tried to create a doubt in the case.

Formo said the letters contained information that only the perpetrator behind the circumstances of the prosecution could know. He rejected Bertheussen’s explanation that someone outside the home must have monitored and intercepted the house and therefore received information such as a door code, money, and knowledge of the alarm system on the property so that they could carry out the actions. actions of the prosecution.

– You have tried to create a doubt in the case. In many ways, she has been very deliberate in hiding her tracks, but has made many mistakes that instead make the shipments evidence against her, Formo told the judges.

The fact that Bertheussen must have had help from another person to send several of the shipments, the prosecution does not weaken the theory that she wrote the letters herself. The prosecutor said that it is not difficult to get help to send a letter.

– In our opinion, it is not important to know who sent the letters. You don’t need to get to the bottom of the questions the prosecution raises, Formo said.
