Proposals for crown curfews receive harsh criticism


The government sent for consultation a bill that allows a curfew as an infection control measure “in extreme situations” if the corona pandemic gets out of control. Gets little audience, one must believe a selection from the many query responses.

The proposal has generated a lot of commitment, and also many individuals have submitted responses to queries, in addition to government agencies and organizations. The deadline to express his opinion expired on Sunday.

The wine monopoly fears that a possible curfew will lead to increased smuggling alcohol trade, illegal alcohol sales and lasting changes in drinking habits, they wrote in their response to the query.

The Bar Association believes that curfew can be compared to home zoning and electronic foot shackles.

“General curfews are only introduced by authorities who do not trust their own population,” the association writes.

Not deadly enough

The judges’ association’s human rights committee is among those strongly warning against the measure. They think it is not proportionate.

– If it had been a disease with a very high mortality rate such as Ebola, the desire to be able to introduce a curfew would have been more understandable, the association writes.

The Norwegian human rights institution advises the government not to proceed with the proposal.

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health believes that there are few “fringe benefits” to be gained from a curfew, if there are other measures, and calls it an “unnecessarily gross instrument”, according to NRK.

Fear of more negative social control

The Directorate of Integration and Diversity fears that the curfew especially affects children exposed to negative social controls and honor-related violence. The Church City Mission and the Red Cross are also concerned about how such a strict measure will affect children and youth, and especially those who are exposed to abuse and violence in the home.

“A curfew will get in the way for these children to seek spaces where they would otherwise receive help and support,” writes the Red Cross.

Children who have a bad place at home will have even fewer opportunities to play and function, it is noted.

The two organizations, which do a lot of social work, are also concerned about the consequences for the homeless and drug addicts if a curfew is introduced.

The Norwegian Police Confederation is reacting in particular to the government’s proposal that the Civil Defense be given the task of helping the police enforce the curfew and personnel checkpoints. It will not have associated support.

Can be dropped

Justice Minister Monica Mæland (H) has said that it is not relevant to introduce a curfew as is the situation now.

– It is also not a fact that we send the bill to the Storting, but it is important that we are prepared and that we investigate the tools that may have to be used in the fight against the pandemic, he said earlier this month.
