Profiles of the SP on Vedum: – The candidate for prime minister of the people


-I know it is a strategy in the party that we should not talk about it, but I am a loose cannon from the north. I can’t think of a better candidate for prime minister than him. I have faith in him, but now I can be unpopular. But you have to be honest and answer what you want to say. I have no doubt that he will take on that role very well, says Toralf Heimdal on TV 2.

Heimdal is the mayor of Bardu. The municipality where the Center Party made the best decision in 2019 with a staggering 62.9 percent.

– It has a humorous tone, but when it comes to important topics instead, it fits. He’s a statesman, says Heimdal.

He believes that Vedum has a lot of credit for the union of the party after the conflicts in the party.

– We have a kind of Trygve effect. When we have a difficult period nationally and internationally with the crown, we need the Center Party policy to generate enthusiasm in the districts and Trygve as a guiding star to restore optimism to the Norwegian people, says the mayor of Bardu.

Borch: – candidate for prime minister of the people

Storting representative Sandra Borch has invited TV 2 to her home on the farm in Lavangen.

– I think it is very important to have a prime minister in which people can recognize themselves, who is able to listen to people, to be able to talk to people and take advantage of the opportunities and challenges they feel in the body, says Borch.

For the first time, a Storting politician of the Center Party speaks out loud about Vedum as a candidate for prime minister.

– Trygve is a good candidate to be, of course, says Borch.

– I meet people every day who speak of Trygve as a good candidate for prime minister and therefore I now experience him as the candidate for prime minister of the people. I think it’s because Trygve is down to earth, popular, and no less skilled for that, but ultimately it’s up to the voters to decide, he continues.

THE SHEEP TRYGVE: - She loves the attention, says Sandra Borch about the sheep «Trygve».

THE SHEEP TRYGVE: – She loves the attention, says Sandra Borch about the sheep «Trygve». Photo: Sverre Saabye / TV 2

In the stable we meet the sheep “Jonas” and the sheep “Trygve”.

– Jonas is shy and a little difficult to get to know, Borch laughs.

He refers to the Center Party as “a ruling party” and a “people’s party,” and does not skimp on superlatives about Vedum.

– It is very popular. When you take Trygve on a round trip to northern Norway and a coffee, you don’t take him out of there, because he will talk to everyone. People need a leader who is able to listen and listen to what their challenges are in daily life.

THE JONAS SHEEP: In the Borch family stable, sheep are named after politicians and soccer players.  This is Jonas.

THE JONAS SHEEP: In the Borch family stable, sheep are named after politicians and soccer players. This is Jonas. Photo: Sverre Saabye / TV 2

Prime Minister’s Campaign

– If you are equal to the Labor Party, is it a fact that the Labor Party should have the Prime Minister?

– No, it’s not. It is up to the voters to make that decision.

– What qualities do you have that can make you a good prime minister?

– Trygve is clear, knowledgeable, unifying, incredibly sociable and skilled, says Borch.

In recent TV 2 polls, the Center Party has been on par with the Labor Party.

– We have a completely different support. There is a great responsibility in the Center Party in the future, but at the same time the party is ready to assume that role and take a new course.

Borch believes that the Center Party is the clearest opposition party.

– We talk about issues that concern people. In northern Norway the centralization of the current government is felt. We have seen it with forced amalgamation, reduction of defense, police reform and within the air ambulance service. People are bored and want a new board, and the Center Party responds to what the voters are looking for.

– many want it

Central board member and county mayor in Troms and Finnmark, Ivar B. Prestbakmo, says many want Vedum as prime minister.

– He is at the forefront of a party that has the will and the ability to take power in the country if the voters wish, then we will discuss the issue of the prime minister. But I think there are many who want him as prime minister, Prestbakmo tells TV 2.

– How do you feel?

– I listen to what people say. They say Trygve can be a fantastically good prime minister, and I too am absolutely convinced of that.

SP-TOP: Ivar B. Prestbakmo sits on the central game board.

SP-TOP: Ivar B. Prestbakmo sits on the central game board. Photo: Sverre Saabye / TV 2

In Troms and Finnmark, the party will become the largest country in 2021. Tor Eriksen announced the transition from the Labor Party to the Center Party just before the 2019 elections. He then sat on the Labor Party municipal council.

He believes that Vedum should challenge Støre.

– Yes, if you ask me, I think we have reached the position that we can say that. Clearly. That’s my opinion. Just look at the basket. Of course, you have to have a little confidence in yourself, says Eriksen.

– What had made him a good prime minister?

– They are his qualities as a person. Clarity and predictability, and it is important that the Center Party gets to where we are. Clarity, predictability and listening: those qualities in which Trygve spearheads. It would have been great if he continued as prime minister.
