Premier League | Daily Mail: Premier League star arrested and suspected of rape and deprivation of liberty


A potentially sad case has affected English football.

The English newspaper Daily Mail reports that an unidentified Premier League player has been reported and suspected of rape and deprivation of liberty.

According to the newspaper, the alleged assault occurred at the player’s own home last month.

The victims of the case went to the police with their accusations, and the Premier League player was said to have been arrested at his own home on Wednesday morning. The Daily Mail writes that they know the identity of the player, but cannot reveal it for legal reasons.

The soccer star should not have been in police custody for long, because he should have been released later the same day, but the investigation of the player continues, the newspaper writes.

Police gave a statement to the Daily Mail on Thursday, in which they are said to have confirmed the age of the suspect, who is 20 years old.

The police officers are said to have handed the player an indictment at the address and arrested a man “suspected of rape and deprivation of liberty”.

The statement further reads: “He has since been released under investigation pending further investigations.”

It is not known when a final decision will be made in the case, if the police in the investigation will find grounds for a charge.


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