Polls, Political Parties New rebound in Frp: work falls further and conservatives are the biggest


The Labor Party falls the most in Dagbladet’s September poll, but the parliamentary majority is still secured along with the Center Party and the Socialist Left Party.

The labor force falls 2.4 percentage points to 22.4 percent. Thus, the party is smaller than the Conservatives, who garner support of 22.7 percent, despite Erna Solberg’s party falling 1.6 percentage points in the Dagblad poll.

The Center Party with 15.2% and the Social Democrats with 8.4% are generally larger than the Labor Party, both in percentage and terms of office. At the same time, both Red and MDG are below the threshold.

The distribution of seats gives Sp and SV 44 seats in parliament, while the Labor Party gets 42, which is 86 and one more seat than is required for a majority. When Stoltenberg was the last prime minister, the Labor Party had 64 Storting seats and the Socialist People’s Party and Socialist People’s Party 11 each.

Support for the Labor Party has only been three times lower than it is now in Ipsos’s Dagbladet polls. That was in June 2018, as well as September and November of last year.

FRP rises 2.2 percentage points to 13.9 percent and is the one that increases the most.

– It is motivating with another survey where Frp does it better. This shows that our voters appreciate a clearer FRP, says party leader Siv Jensen, who adds that her party is the only clear alternative to a strict and fair immigration policy.

Party support in percentage (variation from August in parentheses):

Ap 22.4 (-2.4), Høyre 22.7 (-1.6), Sp 15.2 (+1.3), Frp 13.9 (+2.2), SV 8.4 (+ 1.3), ODM 3.5 (-2.3), Red 3.6 (-0.8), KrF 4.6 (+1.1) and Venstre 3.6 (+0.5).

The survey was conducted in week 39, starting on September 21, with 1,000 respondents.

(© NTB)
