Politics, Survey | Bang survey for the Sp


In the October Vårt Land poll, the Center Party received 16.6 percent support. Especially the party steals voters from the Labor Party.

Sp up 2.3 percentage points, showing the new October gallup from Norstat for Vårt Land.

The progress comes after Sp has received a lot of attention as a result of Jan Bøhler’s transition from the Labor Party. With the leader of SP, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, he thinks progress is related to something else.

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– For Sp, progress will come when we are shown important values: That the parliamentary representatives are defenders of the people. We will be in everyday life and listen, as well as ensuring police preparedness and a social profile, Vedum tells Vårt Land.

For the SV, Miljøpartiet (MDG) and Venstre climate parties, the poll result is bleaker, according to Vårt Land.

All three have seen a decline and together now receive no more than 12.7 percent of support, compared to 17 percent at the same time last year.

Recently, the leader of the Vedum party visited the Stavrum & Eikeland podcast. Here you can hear, among other things, how he plans to win the cities and how Norway has joined him as prime minister. You can listen to the podcast here.

(© NTB)

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