Police will question Erna Solberg and Sindre Finnes after Geilo’s trip – VG


ON WINTER HOLIDAYS: Erna Solberg and Sindre Finnes in Geilo in February this year. The photo was taken from his Instagram. Photo: private

After receiving a dozen reports about the possible violation by the Prime Minister of the Communicable Diseases Act, the police confirm that they have now started questioning witnesses in the case.


Last week, the police launched an investigation into a possible violation of infection control regulations in connection with two private gatherings to celebrate Prime Minister Erna Solberg’s 60th birthday in Geilo. The case will then be evaluated by the prosecution in relation to a possible criminal reaction, police said.

– At the moment, it is too early to say anything about when we can conclude the investigation. We must conduct interrogations to gain clarity on what happened and whether this can be followed against crown regulations and local or central regulations, says the prosecutor in the Buskerud area for the southeastern police district that Per Morten sends to VG .

– Is it relevant to question Prime Minister Erna Solberg?

– Yes, it is relevant, says Send to VG.

I WANT TO INTERVIEW: Prosecutor in the Buskerud area for the southeastern police district Per Morten Sending Photo: Police

– Is it relevant to question your husband Sindre Finnes?

– Yes, it is relevant to have a talk with both, both Erna Solberg and Sindre Finnes.

– Have you had contact with the Solberg family about the interrogations?

– We have been in contact, but it is important to find a moment that suits, says Sending to VG.

The police created the case themselves, but also received a dozen criticisms from the public about Solberg’s meeting on the mountain.

THE RESTAURANT: Hallingstuene in Geilo. Photograph: Preben Ørpetveit Solberg, Hallingdølen / NTB

In a longer Facebook post, Erna Solberg writes about the mistakes she made in the mountains, even when there were 14 family members in a hotel apartment:

– There are four too many. We shouldn’t have had him like this, and he should have stopped him. I didn’t do that, and I can only apologize, Solberg wrote.

– I myself have participated in the adoption of these standards and recommendations and, therefore, I should know all the details. If the visit to the restaurant is followed with fines, we will of course make up for it like everyone else, wrote more.

– The case has priority, but within the other police cases we work with in the district, says Sending.

It was NRK who revealed that Solberg and her husband reunited several families in the mountains over winter break. According to Solberg’s own statement on Facebook, there were more than ten dining together two nights in a row in Geilo.

The case aroused great attention and anger among many Norwegians who worked hard to follow laws and regulations over the past year and canceled their own events.

  • Friday February 25 the Solberg family had reserved a table at the Hallingstuene restaurant. A total of 13 people were present. According to the Prime Minister himself, they were spread over three different tables and sat at a good distance. “We thought this dinner was within the regulations, but no,” writes the Prime Minister, who was not present at this dinner because she was in Ullevål hospital.
  • Saturday February 26 Erna Solberg and 13 family members (a total of 14) met in an apartment to eat sushi. “The plan was for everyone to come and stock up and then spread out again in the two apartments. But instead, everyone stayed in our apartment,” writes the Prime Minister.

also read

Confidence in Solberg falls behind the gap

The same weekend that Solberg was on vacation in Geilo, he garnered a lot of attention when conservative mayor Torger Dahl in Molde took a hard line against Oslo’s handling of the infection situation. The case sparked a lot of controversy when it emerged that Dahl had had four phone conversations with the Prime Minister’s office on the same weekend.
