Police stopped the Halloween party with more than 50 minors


Police were forced to stop a large Halloween party in the Bardu Township in Troms County and Finnmark on Sunday night. It took place in a school and infection control measures “were not in order,” according to police.

– Nothing was resolved in terms of the guest list, access to alcohol in the hands and the subway rule, says the operations manager in the Troms police district, Jørgen Ahlquist, to Dagbladet.

He estimates that between 50 and 60 minors were present at the party.

– They were drunk and no attempt was made to register the participants, says Ahlquist, pointing to the challenges of a possible infection detection.

Thus, the police decided to end the party in accordance with the advice and recommendations given by the national health authorities.

– The tenant was a man who was not present either. He was a minor member of his family and was listed as a co-organizer, but that doesn’t hold up, says the operations manager.

Dagbladet has contacted one of the participants in the Halloween party and received a video of the place. The person is not recognized in the police descriptions.

– Participants were registered with their full name and phone number. Most of those there were over the age of 18, the participant tells Dagbladet.

The party was not organized under the auspices of the school, police confirm.

OSLO: The Minister of Health and Care Services, Bent Høie (H), on the situation of the crown in the capital. Video: Ministry of Health. Photo: Jil Yngland / NTB
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– was threatened

The night before Sunday, the Nordland police also had to stop a party at a private address in Bodø. Went wrong.

– When the police arrived at the scene and expelled the participants, they were threatened by one of the guests. The intoxicated person in his 20s was arrested and reported, writes the Nordland Police District. Twitter.

A Russian party in the township of Spydeberg in Østfold and Viken county also went awry on Sunday night.

– We ended the party when several uninvited guests appeared, writes the Eastern Police District. Twitter.

Barked together in Drammen

In Drammen, two fighting cocks barked together behind the Bragernes church at 01.25.

– Upon our arrival, they were about to finish, and it could appear that one of them had “won”. They were both local and in their 20s. The motive must have been jealousy, writes the Sør-Øst police district on Twitter.

One of them was taken to the emergency room for a checkup after the fight. Both are reported for the matter, emphasize the police.

MANY INFECTIONS: Oslo is experiencing more and more infections. The town council leader believes the situation is dire. Video: Celina Morken / Frode Andresen / Dagbladet
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Announces new crown measures

Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) announced at the government press conference on Friday that new national corona measures will be introduced next week. The new measures are introduced as a result of increased infection in Norway.

– The Norwegian Health Directorate and the National Institute of Public Health have been tasked with recommending further measures for us to maintain control. The measures will be aimed at areas where we now see infection increasing, Solberg said.

It is not yet clear what the new measures will consist of, but the Prime Minister hinted that these are likely measures that will primarily aim to prevent local outbreaks.

Dead Infected Ship Ship Doctor

Dead Infected Ship Ship Doctor

Oslo is among the cities where the number of new corona cases has increased considerably recently. Councilman Raymond Johansen (H) also came out on Friday and announced new measures for the capital on Monday.

– That worries me and we are working to reduce the numbers. We will have a press conference on Monday where we will present new measures, Johansen told NRK.
