Police over young people at a party in the cold


In connection with the cold temperatures of recent days, the Manglerud police preventive unit in Oslo has published a post on its own Facebook pages.

In the post, the police warn that the titles can be life-threatening and refer to a specific incident from Friday night:

– Friday night a lot of time was devoted to the drunkenness of young people and the problems related to it. The image describes a party that broke out in conflict, where violence was also used. There was a great atmosphere when the police arrived at the scene, the police start the post.

The people who were at the party in question were between 16 and 17 years old.

NEW MEASURES: The Minister of Health and Care Services, Bent Høie (H), stated at a press conference on Saturday that the national measures will continue until mid-February. These are the new measures in eastern Norway. Video: Dagbladet
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– We fear that many young people will not be able to take care of themselves after such parties and incidents. Several patrols subsequently searched the area and found several young men, one of whom was unconscious from the cold, police write.

The commission involved two ambulances that were supposed to assist the police, “which brings the capacity to other serious incidents that can occur in Oslo.”

In addition to the unconscious young man, another was reported for insults and threats against the police in connection with the mission.

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In the post, the Police continues with an appeal to youth and parents:

– Do not buy or drink alcohol that you do not know where it comes from and do not drink alcohol until you are at least 18 years old! Parents, be safe adults, know where your child is going, and feel free to verify with the parents of your child’s friends that the information is correct. Make clear agreements!

– For adults who are walking around the area, we encourage them to make the trip to the place where the young people are staying. We were lucky just yesterday, when there was a reporter who announced the incident. The detector could potentially have saved lives!

The police conclude by emphasizing that the infection control rules are still highly applicable and ask everyone to follow them.
