Police: – – It does not depend on finding her


The police have mapped 122 locations, but none have given any response. Advice on where Anne-Elisabeth Hagen is located has come from both Norway and abroad. But the phone rings less and less often.

No one has forgotten the case of the Lørenskog woman who disappeared from her home on a cold autumn day in 2018. She is still intensely searched, both for her and for answers to what may have happened in Sloraveien 4 on October 31, 2018 .

Dagbladet is aware that the search for the missing billionaire wife has been flagged as a separate project by the police from the beginning. At first, the group worked with location mapping based on the fact that they were facing a kidnapping case.

Since then, the situation has changed. Now those of the project are working in the search of a presumed dead person.

- Everything suggests more involved

– Everything suggests more involved

Foreign experience

The searches for Anne-Elisabeth have consisted of both technical and tactical searches. Everything from different settings in Norway and abroad to a series of interrogations and investigations of possible ways she may have been transported has been reviewed.

Physical searches have been conducted both in specific addresses and elsewhere, sources tell Dagbladet.

MYSTERY CAR: The Eastern Police District is searching for a car that was driving near Hagen’s home in Sloraveien on the day Anne-Elisabeth Hagen went missing. Video: Police
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While the family’s only wish is to take her home, the police search for the perpetrators is in full swing. However, they assure that in parallel there is also an active search for what they believe is a murder victim.

People with professional experience searching for missing persons have been brought in who are assisting. The police will not reveal who they are, except that they are people who have experience finding missing persons.

– In the search for Anne-Elisabeth Hagen, the police have consulted experts both nationally and internationally. Specifically, it is a matter of experience in kidnapping cases, says police inspector Agnes Beate Hemiø.

Trial without a body

As Dagbladet has previously mentioned, there were witness investigations both in Norway and abroad long after the disappearance. Observations that do not come from clairvoyants or other people who claim to have supernatural abilities, but from ordinary people. People who claimed to have seen the missing woman alive

Says they have seen her

Says they have seen her

More than 700 days after the disappearance, however, the main hypothesis of the police is different.

– We believe that the house is the scene of a criminal act, and that the highest probability is that Anne-Elisabeth Hagen has been murdered, says Hemiø.

Two years after the 68-year-old woman disappeared, searches are still being conducted when clues and information arrive. Despite the extensive use of resources to find the missing person, the police do not believe that she is a crucial piece in the event that they find her.

– We believe that it is possible to convict someone in this case without finding a body, and we do not depend on finding Anne-Elisabeth to get it, but it is clearly much more difficult, says Police Inspector Hemiø.

KIDNAPPED ?: The Hagen family claim that Anne-Elisabeth has been abducted, while police believe she was murdered at the house in Sloraveien on October 31, 2018. Photo: NTB Scanpix / Lars E claim Bones / Dagbladet
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– Very central

In the last 20 years, there have been a total of nine murder cases in Norway in which the body of the victim has not been found. Very few cases end up in court without the deceased being found.

The 2005 murder of Ann-Helen Karlsen is one of the few cases in this country where someone has been convicted of murder without the body being found.

The statement that the police are not dependent on finding Anne-Elisabeth Hagen causes her assistant attorney, Gard Lier, to react.

– As this case stands in terms of evidence, I believe that one does not have enough evidence for an accusation to this day. So my point is that finding Anne-Elisabeth will be important in order to bring the case to court, says Lier, adding:

– For my part, as Anne-Elisabeth’s assistant attorney, it seems very important to find her. And I hope the police will do everything possible to make this happen.

UNANSWERED: On October 31, 2018, Anne-Elisabeth Hagen disappeared from her home in Fjellhamar in Lørenskog. Will we ever know what happened to the wife of one of the richest men in Norway? Reporter: Audun Hageskal. Video: Kristoffer Løkås / Lars E claim Bones
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The husband and billionaire, Tom Hagen, still has the status of being charged with murder or complicity in the murder of his own wife. At the same time, a man in his 30s is accused of complicity in the kidnapping. Both deny criminal guilt.

Lier believes it will be very important to find the missing person in order to bring a prosecution in the case, regardless of what happened and who may be behind it.

– The state is that the police don’t have enough to press charges, and then they have to move on in some way. I think it will be very important to find Anne-Elisabeth. Technically, it is not necessary to find the person who was murdered, but the moment one is far from solving the case will be a very important step forward, says the assistant attorney.
