Police investigate possible shooting in Oslo


Police reported the incident at 11:13 p.m. on Friday.

Several patrols moved into the area through lower Tøyen after reports of several heavy blows.

– Two cars have been observed and some knocks are heard. One hypothesis is that firearms have been used, police write on Twitter.

So far, there is nothing to indicate that anyone was injured during the incident, operations manager Rune Hekkelstrand tells TV 2.

– We are still at the scene with patrols and teams from the crime scene. They are working on the scene for clues so we can say for sure what happened. We hypothesize that firearms may have been used, explains the operations manager.

He says several witnesses contacted the police after the incident occurred.

– Based on what we have learned from the witnesses, it will be two cars that have skirts of the place at high speed of the place. Now we are looking for these cars, says Hekkelstrand.

He says the police have received a good description of the vehicles, but they currently do not want to come out with these descriptions in public. The police do not suspect that the people who have left the scene do not represent a danger to others.

– We have no indication that these people represent a threat, says Hekkelstrand.

The case is being updated!
