Police have discovered a cannabis plantation in Sørlandet – NRK Sørlandet – Local News, TV and Radio


Police were on the property Thursday night. As far as NRK knows, a total of several hundred cannabis plants were found on the three floors of the house.

That same night, several people were arrested, according to prosecutor Berit Woxen in the Agder police district.

He claims they are charged with a felony drug offense.

The men will be questioned this afternoon. An interpreter assists in interrogations.

– The police are in place and are doing the investigations that are going to be done there. We are conducting both technical and tactical investigations.

On Friday afternoon and evening, forensic technicians confiscate the cannabis plants from the single-family home.

Hash plantation in Bjelland

A larger area is cordoned off around the house.

Photo: Geir Ingar Egeland / NRK

Meeting in prison on Saturday

NRK experiences that three men were arrested on the spot. Everyone has a connection to the property.

From what NRK understands, they have taken over branches in Oslo. Could it be that this cannabis plantation supplied the capital with hashish?

– I can’t comment on that. We are currently investigating a hashish plantation that we have discovered in the municipality of Lindesnes. I can’t tell if there are others involved now, says Woxen.

Nils Anders Grønås has been designated as one of the three men’s defender. He says that man does not admit guilt.

– My client is completely incomprehensible to the case. She hopes to get out of the case with her explanation today, says Grønås.

All three will be taken into custody on Saturday morning.

Prosecutor Berit Woxen in the Agder Police District.

Prosecutor Berit Woxen in the Agder Police District.

Photo: Geir Ingar Egeland / NRK

Several hundred plants

NRK has information that there were probably several hundred cannabis plants inside the single family home. There must have been a network of cables and electrical connections in the house when the police arrived on the scene.

Woxen does not wish to comment on this information.

The house has new owners in February of this year. NRK has contacted the owner, who does not understand the case.

The house is located in an area with several houses.

Neighbors inform NRK that they have not registered suspicious activity in the area.

Tor Sigbjørn Haugland is the closest neighbor to the house.

– I was surprised that there was a hash plantation in the house. I haven’t seen much of the neighbors, but I have heard a lot of car traffic at night, he says.

Tor Sigbjørn Haugland.

Tor Sigbjørn Haugland is the closest neighbor to the house where a cannabis plantation was discovered on Thursday.

Photograph: Madeleine Mellemstrand / NRK
