Police ended two meetings in Oslo


Just before 1pm on Sunday night, the police report that an event in which a football match was shown in a kind of clubhouse in Greenland in Oslo has ended.

– All are checked

There were 22 people present at the event when the police broke in.

– All are reported for violations of infection control legislation, reports Operations Manager Line Skott.

The police moved in when they received a message from a person that there were multiple people in a room.

– It looks like some kind of club or outdoor venue, and it was relatively small and cramped, says Skott.

Two private meetings

In this sense, another private meeting was also discovered, where 23 people were counted.

– They had no connection to each other, except location.

Skott adds that they will all be reviewed here as well. Both locations are listed as rental premises, and one also sold food and drink without permission.

In Oslo, local rules have been introduced that prohibit more than ten people from meeting in private homes. Skott believes that most people take infection control rules seriously:

– But when a case like this arises, it is clear that not everyone does, he says.

Several parties night to Sunday

Also in Agder, ten people have been reported after a party ended, Police in Agder report on Twitter.

Finnmark police announced at 02:00 that they stopped a party with more than ten people present.

At around 03.30, a private party with 12 participants was announced in Mosjøen. The party is over.

– We experience that people are good at complying with the infection rules and otherwise we have received few reports of noise at parties, says Kjetil Kaalaas, operations manager in the Nordland Police District.
