Police charged after the death of Norwegian Alexander (16) in Sweden – VG


On May 12, 2020, 16-year-old Alexander Storåker and a friend were chased on a moped by a civilian police car. The journey ends catastrophically. A police officer is now charged with “causing the death of another person.”


After a 300-meter long car chase, the moped they are on crashes. Alexander’s friend survives without major injuries, but he crashes into a lamppost himself. Despite wearing a helmet, Alejandro dies shortly after.

Now the policeman who was driving the civil police car is accused of “causing the death of another person and of misconduct after starting and continuing to hunt the moped, even though it was not justifiable,” according to the accusation VG has received. to.

– We are very relieved that the prosecution has decided to prosecute the police officer who was driving the car and we hope it will lead to a conviction for causing Alexander’s death, Frode Storåker, Alexander’s father, tells VG.

Aftonbladet was the first to mention the accusation.

MEMORIES OF ALEXANDER: Candles, words of remembrance and flowers have been placed at the place where Alexander died after the moped accident in Lerum, outside Gothenburg, where he lived. Photo: Private

I would check the moped

In a report drawn up a week after the accident, the police officer who was sitting in the passenger seat of the civil police car during the pursuit of the car commented that “they were in the area to work with traffic cases targeting mopeds and passersby “.

Tonight they observed Alexander and his comrade twice. The second time, the police decided to stop the moped to search the vehicle.

“The patrol drives behind and signals a stop, but the moped continues to drive,” the report says.

THE POLICE SEARCH ENDED HERE: Alexander and his friend were chased by the police down this gravel road. It ended catastrophically. Photo: Private

After 100 meters, Alexander goes off the road and onto a gravel walkway.

Several witnesses to the car chase have explained that both the moped and the police car maintained high speed on the gravel road.

– My first thought was that the patrol chased the moped, says one of the witnesses in questioning.

Another witness passed “a hundredth of a second” understanding that the police car was chasing the moped.

JOY DISTRIBUTOR: – Now we are having a hard time, says father Frode Storåker after the tragic death of his son. Photo: Private

Unjustifiable accident risk

Swedish investigation documents show that the moped boys were not suspected of anything other than a possible traffic violation. According to the investigation documents, this is not a sufficient reason to initiate a car chase on a trail in Sweden, in part due to an increased risk of accidents.

Furthermore, it appears that the driver of the police car must have “acted in violation of police regulations and general advice” when he chased the moped down the gangway.

FRUSTRATED: The late Alexander’s friends are frustrated with the police. Now they are gathered at the crash site where Alexander crashed. From left to right: Linus Edelstam, Simon Huber, Joel Ståhl and Isa Kjellberg. Photo: Harald Henden / VG

The driver of the police car himself denies this during questioning.

– Today I had done the same thing again, even though this had absolutely dire consequences. He had the utmost bad luck. But I can’t say anything else that I would do the same again today.

Furthermore, the policeman denies that this can be classified as a car chase and that he himself had almost stopped the police car when the accident occurred.

– This has never been a car chase. It is important to see the difference between a car chase and stopping a vehicle. We stop vehicles every day.

also read

Young people tell about police hunts in Sweden: – Absolutely shocking

It should never have happened

Alexander’s father, Frode Storåker, believes the car chase seems incomprehensible.

– It is very sad to read that the policeman says he would do it again, even if it turned out as it was. It is completely incomprehensible how anyone can say such a thing, says Storåker.


A few hundred meters later it hits. The car chase lasted less than a minute. A witness who lives near the crash site reacts to the high speed of the police car. He runs off to see what happened and reaches Alexander at the same time as the police.

The cop yells and swears “Hell, hell, bastards” and according to the witness panic. The other is said to have tried to call for help over the police radio.

Together with witnesses, the police perform first aid to save Alexander’s life before the ambulance reaches the scene. He was pronounced dead that night.

also read

Friends of the late Alexander (16): – Absolutely unreal that he is gone

# ride4alex

– It is an indescribable pain to lose a child in this way. The pain and longing increase with each passing day. It has been a great stress waiting almost 10 months to have access to the information, says Frode Storåker and continues.

– Since Alexander’s death, it has been important to us that Alexander is included in what we do. He has a place at the dining room table, we have pictures of him around the house and we talk about him all the time. We visit his grave every day and at all gatherings, like Christmas and birthdays, we usually meet at the grave first so that he is included.

– When we realized that there was no support device that could assist us in our situation, we were surprised. The great support we have received from the youth has been invaluable to us. When some have not dared to meet us in pain, the young people have lined up and the # ride4alex moped rally we still live on, concludes Storåker.
