Polestar denies electric car caught fire while charging in Oslo


Police were notified of the incident in Lilleaker at 8:36 p.m. on Saturday.

– There were flames outside the hood and you could see the development of smoke in the area, operations manager André Kråkenes in the Oslo police district told NTB.

No one was injured and the car did not burn. The car was outside, five meters from the house. The owner of the car told police that he had picked it up just four days ago.

The Oslo Fire and Rescue Service informed NTB later on Saturday night that the smoke was produced when the car owner removed the charging cable from the car, a Polestar 2.

Polestar fire fighting

Polestar denies in a press release that there was any talk of a fire, despite police saying there were flames outside the hood.

The company dispatched a team from Sweden immediately after the incident. They believe it was the evaporated refrigerant that gave rise to what was perceived as smoke, and the company rules out that the failure is related to the main battery.

– The team is now investigating both the cause of the refrigerant leak and what caused the evaporation, the company writes in the press release.

Similar episodes have not occurred in any other market in which they operate, according to the company.

Swedish-Chinese company

Polestar is owned by Chinese Geely and Volvo Cars, which are also owned by Geely. The Polestar 2 model is made in China.

In early October, the Swedish-Chinese electric car manufacturer recalled nearly 2,200 new-model Polestar 2 cars, including more than 800 in Norway. The reason for the recall is that several car owners experienced that new cars had lost power and suddenly stopped while driving.

In total, more than 1,500 Polestar 2s have been sold in Norway.(Terms)Copyright Dagens Næringsliv AS and / or our suppliers. We would like you to share our cases via a link, which leads directly to our pages. Copying or other use of all or part of the content may only be done with written permission or as permitted by law. For more terms, see here.
