Plus entered for the first time as all of Norway closed


– In April we produced 77,000 liters. That’s more than we produced throughout 2018, says the brewery’s manager.

STAVANGER (Nettavisen Økonomi 🙂 Something is at stake in Jæren. Hardly two years have passed since the first bottles were released, and less than a year since the beer entered the Vinmonopolet. During the April night, in the midst of the crown crisis, Rygr Brygghus went from selling items in 110 stores to selling in 410.

– It is incredible that we set a new record during a period when net alcohol consumption decreased. People should not believe that the Norwegians drank more even though it was longer to be home, Rygr’s boss Sune Aabø Parker tells Nettavisen Økonomi.

While the vast majority of breweries were bleeding as a result of the taps shutting down, the Jæren brewery experienced the highest involvement from Rygr. The reason? Half a year before covid-19 arrived in the country, the microbrewery signed an agreement with Rema 1000 to expand from the domestic market in Rogaland to Rema stores throughout eastern Norway.

An agreement that was initially worth gold for Jær bows, became vital when it went into effect and the products were shipped to stores. Lately, it has received new criticism on the Untappd beer app from beer drinkers across eastern Norway.

– In April we produced 77,000 liters. That’s more than we produced throughout 2018, says Parker.

In comparison, in 2019, approximately 200,000 liters of beer were sold. Billing ended at around NOK 10 million for the brewery, which was purchased by Grans Brewery in January.

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Growth with added flavor

Many Norwegian breweries, both large and small, are delighted that restaurants in Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger and Tromsø have started or are about to reopen. Even though beer sales increased 11 percent in the grocery trade, small brewers lost an average of 19 percent of revenue after March 12.

– We are experiencing growth with added flavor, taking into account the situation. We have worked hard to establish ourselves in pubs in Rogaland, Oslo and Bergen, and we have sympathy for our customers who struggle a lot during the day, says Parker, head of Rygr.

Click the pic to enlarge. RYGR: Atle Abel Salvesen, Øyvind Tveit and Sven Fløysvik pour beer into a can in the Rygr Brygghus production room.

RYGR: Atle Abel Salvesen (t.v.), Øyvind Tveit and Sven Fløysvik throw beer into a can in the Rygr Brygghus production room.
Photo: Nils-Ove Støbakk (Jærbladet)

April was a special month in many ways for Rygr. The brewery had to fire one of the four employees, but still reached a milestone much earlier than expected.

– April was our first month in history plus. Lervig, for whom he was previously CEO, spent eleven years doing the same, says the manager of the brewery, stressing that Rygr pays full wages to its employees:

– Many people flee, but we pay wages. We are, of course, enthusiastic and probably work more than 100 percent on this, but we also don’t want it to be a brewery.

Also read: – From 5 million to 50,000 in sales

Do you want to make beer with 100% jerry content?

However, Rygr has no plans to enjoy the brilliance of earnings, the Rema contract and the new production record. The brewery has long dreamed that as much beer content as possible should be Norwegian, and preferably Irish. Among other things, Rygr has received public research and development support to research beer.

– Right now we are closer than ever to the fulfillment of the dream. For a long time we have been searching for a beef jerky yeast strain. Not long ago, we found something that may be a breeding yeast in the cellar of the traditional Hå Gamle Prestegård. We are now waiting for responses from Nofima, and soon we could have found the southernmost hike in Norway, says Parker.

Click the pic to enlarge. Rygr Brygghus decoration

TAPPERIET: Previously, Rygr Brygghus only supplied beer to Rogaland and Agder. When beer was suddenly prioritized in over 300 Rema stores in eastern Norway, a new production record was set at the Rygr bottling plant.
Photo: Torstein Surdal

According to Parker, Rygr is also the first Norwegian brewery to produce naturally fermented “hard seltzer”, which the Norwegian media has quickly called “alko-farris”. The brewery expects the mix of water, cane sugar, fruit puree, and champagne yeast to be a summer heat.

– We have fantastic competitors and then we have to innovate. We are passionate about the way we operate and don’t invest more until we’ve made enough money, ”says Parker.

Of the three bones the brewery is in: groceries, the Vinmonopolet, and nightlife, nightlife has decreased for nearly two months. The grocery market represents 75 percent of sales. Only when Rygr stands on all three legs, the brewery watches beer exports abroad.

– We have a “Viking” profile that has received a high level of interest from potential English clients with whom we have spoken, “says Parker.

Also read: Disruption of border trade caused an explosion in beer sales: – Five times the turnover
