– Please sir. At two meters, thank you!


By the time security guard Simon Chilembo showed up for work on Saturday morning at 10 o’clock, there was a queue outside Vinmonopolet.

The queue at Vinmonopolet is long, but security guard Simon Chilembo goes out of his way to ensure that people have a pleasant, safe and efficient trade. Photo: Dan P. Neegaard

– Now it’s Christmas again!

Libra Simon Chilembo goes out of his way to get customers in a good Christmas mood. The queue for Vinmonopolet in the center of Storo in Oslo stretches 20 meters back, but it doesn’t stop there.

Even further back, queue number two begins. It is extended by an emergency exit.

– I am a Petter Stordalen apprentice, I am selling an experience, Chilembo jokes.

It does everything possible to ensure that those in line have efficient and safe trading.

– Please sir. At two meters, thank you! he says, bowing to a man in a bubble blue jacket on his way inside.

Customers are encouraged to spread their hands before entering the store. Photo: Dan P. Neegaard

By the time Chilembo showed up for work on Saturday morning at 10, there was a queue, he says.

– It would probably have been better with slightly longer opening hours. It had reduced the stress factor and made it easier for people to keep their distance.

No to extended opening hours

Last week, the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) recommended extending the opening hours of stores and wine monopolies in December. That way, it would be easier for people to keep their distance in the Christmas spirit, FHI thought.

After a meeting between the Minister of Trade and Industry, Iselin Nybø (V), and the industry parties, the answer was that it was not necessary. Therefore, the government said no to extended hours.

– The experience of Easter and others, is that they have good systems. They do not want to demand that employees work more, said Health Minister Bent Høie (H).

– It will get worse

There are many security guards in the center of Storo. They keep track of queues that have formed outside almost every store. The vast majority of customers wear masks and seem to have come to terms with the fact that queuing is the way to a successful Christmas shopping.

Back in the queue and at the emergency exit where queue number two began, we meet Ingve Løkse.

– What do you think of the fact that the government would not allow extended hours?

– I think it’s really bad, when you see how close it gets. At least they could leave the pole up until 6 in the afternoon. Then we could have made the lines so long, he says.

Ingve Løkse believes congestion in shopping malls and stores will worsen closer to Christmas. Photo: Dan P. Neegaard

It’s Løkke’s turn to go to queue number one.

– It will only get worse than next weekend, he says, before disappearing into the ranks of the more privileged.

Historic December

– The sale in December will be historic for Vinmonopolet, due to border closures and the lack of duty-free trade, CEO Elisabeth Hunter tells E24.

According to the website, 1.4 million customers have shopped at the pole so far in December. There are 300,000 more customers than at the same time last year, and this corresponds to a growth of 28 percent.

Vinmonopolet’s online store has also experienced increased pressure as a result of coronary restrictions, NTB writes.

On Thursday, however, it was lowered due to cyber attacks.

Expect record numbers

In the UK, intensive digital queuing systems, 24-hour shops, porters and others are being used to offer socially distancing Christmas shopping, writes The Guardian newspaper.

Despite coronary restrictions, the British Christmas trade is expected to exceed all previous statistics this year.

According to a press release from Vipps, Norwegians are also spending more money on Christmas shopping this year than last year.

In the first week of December, billing for card purchases with BankAxept in stores increased by 13.5% compared to the same week last year.

– It is surprising that sales for the use of cards in stores are increasing so much, despite the ongoing pandemic. However, we are not surprised that people buy more in online stores with Vipps, where we are experiencing increasing growth, says Vegar Heir, commercial manager of Vipps.

It will prevent it from accumulating

Gunnar Hernæs comes off the post at Storo. He says the exchange went fast and well.

– But it probably would have helped with extended opening hours, he thinks.

Gunnar Hernæs usually shops in the center of Tveita. On Saturday he made the trip to Storo. Photo: Dan P. Neegaard

– We have long encouraged people to take advantage of the opening hours and arrive early or late, says Unni Merete Aasgaard, manager of the Storo center.

The goal is to prevent all customers from arriving in the middle of the day.

– It will be exciting to see if people have listened to us.
