Planning a GP strike


The night before Thursday, the Norwegian Medical Association and KS broke up negotiations in the municipal settlement.

– This has been a very demanding mediation. We have done our best to find a possible solution, but unfortunately we could not agree with KS on an outcome, says President Marit Hermansen of the Norwegian Medical Association on the non-compliance in the negotiations on the special agreement.

The agreement regulates outpatient care, community medicine and working conditions for newly graduated doctors. The rift between the Norwegian Medical Association / Akademikerne and KS may affect municipal emergency services across the country in the coming weeks.

It can be life or death

It can be life or death

– Will not endanger life

Mediation was the only one left in the municipal settlement after the Academics as the only association broke up negotiations in September.

KS and the Akademikerne Municipality Bargaining Association accepted the Ombudsman’s proposal for a solution, while the Norwegian Medical Association, which is part of Akademikerne, rejected the proposal.

Concerned about the flu shot

Concerned about the flu shot

Each of the academic member associations must take a position on the outcome of the mediation before October 23, while the Norwegian Medical Association is planning a strike from October 26. It is not known how many are taken in a first hit.

– Of course we will do everything possible to protect patients. The strike will not endanger life and health. This is especially important in light of the ongoing pandemic, Hermansen says.

THIS HAPPENED: We follow Trump’s medical check-up on Fox News and sum up what happened. Video: Dagbladet TV
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More overtime agreements

In both the Oslo municipality settlement and the state settlement, the solution in the negotiations came with several overtime hours.

For the four main associations LO, YS, Unio and Akademikerne, the solution came in mediation with the state on Thursday morning: six hours overtime.

– Government employees receive a general supplement in line with what other groups have received, that is, in line with the framework of the frontal issue of 1.7 percent, and we are satisfied with that, says Pål N. Arnesen, leader by YS Stat.

For those organized in LO Stat, a general supplement is given for everyone between NOK 1,321 and 5,753. The salary supplement will be applied from October 1. Leader Egil André Aas at LO Stat still says they think the distribution profile is disappointing.

You should do this if your child has a fever.

You should do this if your child has a fever.

Kindergarten strike averted

Also in the municipality of Oslo, the strike announced among 1,600 Union members, including many kindergarten employees, was prevented two hours of overtime on Thursday night.

The overall framework for the salary arrangement between the Main Association of Municipal Employees (KAH) and the city of Oslo is 1.7 percent, the same as in the state arrangement.

We were stunned when we recently saw that image here, and we only had one thing to do: Contact a doctor for clarity. Non Stop Video by Sondre Rahm, Nicolai Alcaniz and Emrik Sager. Thanks for watching!
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All employees of the municipality of Oslo are guaranteed real salary growth with a supplement of 0.9 percent, but not less than NOK 4,400 as of May 1 this year.

In mediation, the union obtained approval of its main demand to secure the right to negotiate a pension.

– In the long term, this is extremely important to guarantee the pension rights of our members, says leader Roger Dehlin in the Oslo Union.
