Pizza lies forced state in lockdown


On Wednesday, South Australia entered a total lockdown, after 36 new cases of infection were detected in the region, the first outbreak in the state since April.

However, the decision to implement strict measures was based on a lie by one of the infected people, according to Australian police. He writes various international media, including the BBC.

Specifically, the man is said to have lied about his connection to a pizzeria in Adelaide. It is said that he said that he had only stopped by to buy a pizza. It has subsequently been shown that he worked there.

– Completely unacceptable

Another restaurant employee had previously tested positive for COVID-19. Because the man claimed that he only passed as a customer, health authorities feared that large numbers of people could have been infected in the same way, from a very brief exposure to the virus. However, the two employees must have had close contact.

“To say that I am angry at this person’s actions is an understatement,” Secretary of State Steven Marshall said at a news conference on Friday, according to The Guardian.

– This has put our entire state in a very difficult situation. It has affected companies, individuals, families and it is completely unacceptable.

At the same time, Marshall confirmed that they would not impose such strict restrictions if this information had been known earlier. Therefore, the lockdown is canceled on Saturday night and replaced by lighter restrictions.

State Police spokesman Grant Stevens said during the press conference that the man will not be prosecuted as they do not have a legal clause to convict him.

Angry residents flooded the pizzeria’s Facebook page with comments from the press conference. According to Australian, the police have deployed guards outside the restaurant to prevent vandalism and disturbances.
