Philippines: – Police killed by rooster


A Filipino policeman died after a raid on an illegal cockfight, north of Samar in the Philippines.

One of the roosters had a razor-sharp piece of metal attached to one of its legs. This piece of metal managed to hit the policeman during the raid. The piece of metal struck him in the thigh and succeeded in severing the thigh artery, according to the BBC.

The policeman was rushed to hospital, but his life could not be saved and he was pronounced dead when they arrived.

Popular in the country

Cockfighting has not been illegal in the Philippines until now. Due to the pandemic, people are unable to host matches while the outbreak continues.

Cockfighting is quite popular in the country, and large numbers of people often come to watch and bet on how they will fare with the fighting birds.

Before the pandemic, it was allowed to organize cockfighting in its own area that is licensed for it. And they could only be organized on Sundays, national holidays and during local holidays, as long as they did not last more than three days in a row, according to the Philippine news agency PNA.

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– I could not believe it

The police chief of the province where the policeman died, Arnel Apud, tells AFP news agency that the incident was very tragic, and that it is difficult to explain how regrettable it was.

– I couldn’t believe it, when they first told me. This is the first time in the 25 years that I have been working as a police officer that I have lost one of my men to a rooster, says Apud.

He also sends his condolences and his deepest condolences to the relatives and relatives.

Three people were arrested after the raid. In addition, seven roosters, 550 Philippine pesos, and two sets of those metal knives were seized. Police are also looking for three suspects in the case.
