Person admitted to UNN with covid-19


One person was admitted to UNN Tromsø on Sunday with confirmed covid-19.

– The person in question is one of the crew of the Russian trawler that docked in Tromsø on October 5, UNN reports in a Twitter message.

No information on the patient’s condition is provided, the hospital writes.

On Sunday, the municipality of Tromsø announced that a total of 40 people with confirmed COVID-19 infection were in isolation. Of these, 28 crews were on board the trawler “Obeljaj”, which arrived in Breivika on 5 October.

Infection control doctor Trond Brattland says he knows that a person who was isolated in a municipal housing offering has now been admitted to UNN.

The admission comes eight days after the municipality of Tromsø was first notified of a Russian ship with a possible infection on board.

24 of the 34 crew later tested positive for COVID-19. The 24 fishermen were transferred to the municipality’s corona center in Kroken, where they are being held in isolation. Health staff is also available here.

Later in the week, four other people on the ship tested positive. These have also moved to Kroken. Other crews are in quarantine on board the ship “Obeljaj”.

– It is an offer of accommodation for sick people. With so many patients, we need to have health personnel available, infection control chief physician Trond Brattland tells Nordlys.

also read

The mysterious voyage of the trawler Korona: it was in Russian waters when the covid-19 alarm sounded, it turned and sailed towards Tromsø
