Pence’s chief of staff tested positive for corona


Marc Short, Pence’s chief of staff and closest adviser, tested positive for the virus on Saturday.

Pence and his wife Karen Pence tested negative the same day and are healthy and fast, says press secretary Devin O’Malley.

– Vice President Pence and Ms Pence tested negative for COVID-19 on Saturday and are in good health, O’Malley says.

The vice president does not change his content-rich travel plan in the electoral rush as a result of the infection case, he says.

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“Pence, in consultation with the White House medical staff and in accordance with the guidelines for indispensable personnel who have been in contact with an infected person, will continue with his planned activities,” said the press secretary.

According to the guidelines O’Mally refers to, Pence must be carefully screened for symptoms and wear a mask, something he was seen with when he returned to Washington after a day’s election campaign work, writes NTB .

Short served as legal counsel to President Donald Trump from 2017 to 2018. In 2019, he assumed the role of chief of staff and closest adviser to the vice president.
