Pelosi wants to limit Trump’s nuclear power – VG


CONCERNED: Top Democrat Nancy Pelosi fears what Trump may find in the coming weeks. Photo: CHIP SOMODEVILLA / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA

Nancy Pelosi worries about what President Donald Trump might do in the last two weeks of his presidency.


In a letter, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) writes that she has spoken with the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Army, Chief of Staff Mark Milley, about limiting the president’s power. Trump.

– This morning I spoke with Chief of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available measures and measures to prevent an unstable president from launching military action or accessing nuclear codes and ordering a nuclear strike, he writes.

President Trump resigns on January 20, but for many it is not early enough.

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THE SUITCASE: A military employee carries the suitcase containing the nuclear weapons codes. Photo: Joshua Roberts / REUTERS

Several members of Congress have spoken out in favor of overthrowing the president. At least two documents have been annotated

Shortly after it emerged that the rebels stormed the House of Congress in Washington, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D) wrote on Twitter that she had begun work to prosecute President Donald Trump.

– We cannot allow him to remain president, it is about saving the republic and we must fulfill the oath we have taken, he wrote on Wednesday.

On Friday, Omar announced on Twitter that the Supreme Court case can be filed on Saturday.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who has long been one of President Trump’s staunchest supporters, believes that toppling Trump will do great harm.

– If Pelosi pushes a Supreme Court case in the final days of Trump’s presidency, it will do more harm than good. I hope incoming President Biden will see the damage that will result from such actions.

– Pelosi hangs by a thin political thread, Graham writes.

Waiting for a response from Pence

Another option that has been put on the table after the violent riots inside and outside Congress on Wednesday is to use the 25th constitutional amendment.

This means that the vice president and a majority in the cabinet, that is, the ministers, declare the president incapable of exercising his power.

In the letter, Pelosi writes that she and incoming Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D) have called Vice President Mike Pence to ask if he is willing to support the proposal.

– We still hope to hear from him as soon as possible with a positive response on whether he and the cabinet will honor the oath they have taken to the Constitution and the American people.

Here’s how the 25th Amendment to the Constitution works:

Pelosi is aware that she believes the president is very dangerous.

– The situation with this unstable president could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced attack on our long run and our democracy.

Today, Pelosi is in third place to assume the presidency, if both President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are removed from office.
