Pelosi Wants Commission To Investigate If Trump Is Fit – NRK Urix – Foreign Documentaries & News


Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi refers to a series of statements by Trump that make her question whether he is fit to be president.

Pelosi questions Trump’s judgment and health. She has requested an update on her health and wants to know exactly how long she has been infected.

Pelosi came up with the plot Thursday night, after Trump delivered a series of special statements and personal attacks on Twitter and in an hour-long phone interview with Fox Business.

Republicans call it a coup attempt.

President Trump has posted a message on Twitter where you can write that it is Nancy Pelosi who should be the subject of observation.

Kalla Harris “a monster”

On Fox’s phone, Trump, among other things, attacked vice presidential candidate Kamal Harris, calling her a monster and a communist. He stated that Harris wanted to “open the borders so that murderers, murderers and rapists can flow into our country.”

It also targeted several of its top people, including Attorney General William Barr, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and FBI Director Christopher Wray. The criticism was that they had not done enough to prosecute Trump’s political rivals or fail to realize the danger of postal votes.

Trump has often called up his favorite show on Fox in the past, but this was the first time since he was released from Walter Reed Hospital on Monday night.

– I am a perfect physical specimen

Over the phone, Trump bragged about how he has managed coronary heart disease.

– I am back because I am a perfect physical specimen, and I am extremely young. In that sense, I’m lucky, said the 74-year-old, who is overweight and has high cholesterol.

Trump said he may have been infected at an event at the White House for families of soldiers who had received Gold Star medals on Sunday before he tested positive.

– Everyone wanted to hug me and kiss me. And they did. I honestly wouldn’t ask them to keep their distance, he said.

Inside the White House, the president returned to the Oval Office on Wednesday. Counselors and staff around him were required to wear protective gear complete with coats and visors against infection.

Mine have frisked

Trump told Fox that he no longer had the virus in his body and that he was eager to return to the election campaign.

“I don’t think it’s contagious anymore,” he said.

Due to the potential risk of infection, the television debate between Trump and challenger Joe Biden in Miami on October 15 was postponed. Trump has refused to meet with Biden for a video debate. In an interview with Fox, Trump said the reason was that it would be much easier for the debate leader to stop him that way.

“I didn’t bother wasting my time on this,” he said.

President Donald Trump’s doctor Sean Conley said Thursday night that Trump may resume his public activities on Saturday, according to the AFP news agency. Then it has been 10 days since Trump tested positive, but no new evidence has been presented.

Last night, the president said in a new interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News that he is considering holding a mass meeting in Florida on Saturday. He says he feels completely healthy and may want to appear in public before Saturday.

Accept the constitutional supplement

On Friday, Democrats will discuss the president’s behavior in light of the 25th constitutional amendment rules on the transfer of power if the president is unable to serve.

The supplement to the Constitution allows the vice president to assume office if the president is unable to exercise the authority and duties that correspond to him.
