Pelosi presented proposals to give Congress a chance to impeach a president


The proposal is based on the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, which applies if a president is unable to serve. It allows the president to be deprived of power, either temporarily or permanently.

Pelosi’s proposal is to establish a commission to assess the ability of presidents to lead the country. She insists it’s not about Donald Trump.

– It will meet with the voters’ verdict, Pelosi said at a press conference in the congress building on Friday.

Demand transparency on Trump’s health

Instead, he justifies it by saying that Congress needs a better overview of what’s going on in the White House.

Pelosi and other Democrats believe the Trump administration should be more open about Trump’s health after he tested positive for the coronavirus on Thursday last week and was hospitalized. There, he was treated for covid-19 for three days before being discharged Monday and flown back to the White House.

It is not yet clear when Trump was infected, as it is not known when he last tested negative. Several of Trump’s staff also tested positive, but it is unclear who has infected whom.

Although Trump and his doctor say he has received treatment and is ready to attend a campaign rally in Florida on Saturday, it is not yet known whether he has been retested, and whether it was positive or negative.

– Absurd

Trump and his supporters reject Pelosi’s proposal as a political stunt just before the election.

– It is an absurd proposalTrump’s spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany told Fox News. She is one of those who tested positive.

– Absolutely absurd, says the leader of the Republican majority in the Senate, Mitch McConnell.

Trump’s opponents have been discussing the possibility of implementing the 25th Amendment to the Constitution for some time, but are only pushing the proposal now, less than four weeks before the election.

It has no chance of passing before the November 3 election, as Republicans have a majority in the Senate.

The 25th Amendment was passed by Congress in 1967 in the wake of the assassination of John F. Kennedy four years earlier. It must guarantee a peaceful seizure of power in situations in which the incumbent president cannot govern.

– That Congress exercise the power that the constitution gave us, said Pelosi when she presented the proposal with a poster of the constitutional supplement behind her back.
