Pellegrino was called an ape – Aafk launches investigation – NRK Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule


– I had forgotten how much it hurts when that happens, says Amahl Pellegrino.

He is sitting in the player’s bus on his way home to Kristiansund after the 2-1 win over Aalesund as he recounts what happened after Sunday’s game.

Then all of a sudden, he heard some followers start yelling at him.

– I finished my interview and stood out on the field and spoke with my coach. They threw shit, I gave them the thumbs up and they started yelling “monkey” four or five times, while clapping in the middle, says Pellegrino.

He was called by the director

For VG, both Aafk Media Manager Jonatan Arvidsen-Osvik and Events Manager Kristin Herve Nørve confirm that they heard the same calls.

The Kristiansund striker emphasizes that he does not know who the fans were or if they belong to a special fan group, but says that he had also noticed them during the match. Then, it must be recognized that it was not the racist screams that occurred to them, as happened after the game.

– I thought I had to go fast. He was about to go black for me, had it not been for my coach. I got on the bus and calmed down, says Pellegrino.

From the bus, he posted this message on Twitter:

On the bus, he was called by the director of Aalesund, Geir Vik.

– We had a very nice chat and I really appreciate that conversation. It shows that it is a club that is not responsible for that, says Pellegrino.

The Aakf director says he has started a process to find out who made the calls.


Geir Vik from the Aalesund football club says he strongly dissociates himself from what happened.

Photography: Svein Ove Ekornesvåg / Svein Ove Ekornesvåg

– As soon as I realized the situation, I looked up his number and called him. His experience is so far from everything that will happen on a football field, and so far from the values ​​of the club. “We present an unreserved apology on behalf of the club,” says Vik.

– I have a threat to humanity and I think we can go beyond expressing frustration in that way. It is completely unacceptable behavior and statements, she adds.

– it impresses me

Also at the Stormen and Aalesund Support fan clubs, there was a hectic meeting activity tonight.

– Those who were there on our side did not hear any of that. But we still strongly disassociate ourselves from him. I myself react strongly and hope they find out who did it, says Sindre Ness, chairman of the Stormen board.

Pellegrino himself says that fortunately it is not often that he experiences this, but that the episode has left him a real shock.

– Of course it is something that characterizes me, but I was born as the person I am, and I am proud of it. I was born and raised in Norway, and I feel a bit like everyone else, but at the same time not when those things happen, he says.

He says he tried to tell the guards on the spot, but nothing happened.

– It’s a bit disappointing. If people are allowed to continue like this, we will never get rid of this, says Pellegrino.

Aafk’s director Vik says he will go down the road to find out exactly what happened, also when it comes to what the guards possibly did or didn’t do.

– We will clarify the situation and find out who has called. We have a stadium regulation, and this can lead to exclusion, he says.
