Payroll settlement, Salary | Giggles from the wage freeze requirement: this is the nurse tired of repeating


For the Norwegian Nurses Association, there is zero salary growth in 2020 without seeing this in a broader context.

As part of the crown dew, many now demand that state employees have zero wage growth this year.

“This is why all public employees should receive zero on the payroll for the 2020 crown year,” Nettavisen editor Gunnar Stavrum writes in a management article on Thursday.

Nurses are a large group of approximately 100,000 active members, many of the members of the Norwegian Nursing Association (NSF) are public employees. Lill Sverresdatter Larsen, the federal leader, asked for zero wage growth in the fall wage deal:

Also read: The government estimates how high salary growth can be in the crown crisis

Strong opinions

– We are not discussing a zero agreement. There are already strong opinions on this among our members. Tariff settlement begins on September 15, but we do not discuss zero settlement without calculating the long-term socioeconomic consequences.

– We are concerned about the balance between companies and the public sector. But we also have an ambition to be recognized for their competence and responsibility, and we will not achieve a healthy and good business life without a good healthcare system, he continues.

The Norwegian wage agreement is based on the so-called frontal scientific model, which is the first to reach an agreement in the competitive sector. It constitutes the norm for the settlement of wages in the protected sector, the public sector.

– We have discussed this model before and found that it does not work very well for us. The model does not take into account the balance between companies and public services, says the federal leader.


– Do you expect something extra as thanks for the effort of the crown?
– We hope that we obtain recognized competence and responsibility and the critical social function as clearly shown by the situation in which we find ourselves. Norway currently lacks 6,000 nurses to ensure safe health services in a normal situation, but also for emergency preparedness in the next pandemic. According to the 2019 NAV figures, there are 5,900 job openings, and 1 in 5 leaves the profession after ten years, Larsen responds.

The federal leader believes that we should not close our eyes to the fact that nurses have received a low salary since NSF was born in 1912. It has taken 108 years to recover.

– We are concerned about the business community and understand the importance that it also has for welfare services and we see crisis packages being distributed. It is also necessary and important to ensure health services in a normal and crisis situation.

– It is closely related to increasing capacity in the health service and we may not need to close or introduce other dramatic measures, Larsen urges.

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500,000 as higher salary

It is educated approx. 3,000 nurses a year. According to Larsen, an average newly qualified nurse earns NOK 410,000 today. If they are ten years old, they can expect an annual salary of 500,000. Special education nurses are NOK 50,000 above.

– Skilled nurses tend to say that to get additional loan education, you must work for 25 years. Educating nurses who quit after a short time is costly for society, Larsen says.

One problem is that members cannot afford their own home. The so-called nursing index shows that a nurse in Oslo can now only pay 3 to 5 percent of the home if she stays within the mortgage loan regulations. And that requires a healthy salary of NOK 550,000.

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– Is it just a salary increase necessary for more nurses to stay on the job?
– I’m starting to get a little tired of repeating this mantra of remuneration, full-time and work environment. Salary is naturally motivating, but it’s also about full-time jobs, work environment, also understood as working hours and weekend guards to live with the profession, as well as good enough infection prevention measures.

Larsen notes that in hospital efficiency, special cleaning posts and other administrative duties have been eliminated. These jobs are now falling on the nurses.

– Nurses who must wash beds must be the most expensive cleaners in Norway.

– What about the professional fight in health care, is it devastating?
– We are not concerned with professional struggle, we are concerned with solving problems with the patient at the center.
