Pajama Boy Dennis Olsen Ran For 24 Hours For Pink Ribbon Campaign – NRK Innlandet – Local News, TV & Radio


At 9 a.m. on Friday, Dennis Olsen finished after doing a special trick. She ran and walked over 100 kilometers (30 laps around a museum in Elverum), wearing pink leggings and an ostrich skirt, to raise money for the Pink Bow campaign.

– This is probably the sickest thing I’ve ever done in my life. But then it has been a good trip, I have enjoyed it.

But he has not felt alone during the trip. People have flocked to all hours of the day to keep him company.

– I’m very impressed and very grateful that people have lined up at different times, and I thought that “there is probably no one who has thought of going with him at 4. Then I sleep a bit and go with him at 4.” And I appreciate it immensely.

A drill troop has also been on the trip, even the emergency services have intervened.

– The police were with me last night and the firemen followed me the last round. But it’s okay that the police didn’t join in for so long, because he had to urinate a lot and couldn’t do it in a public place without them, he laughs.

Dennis Olsen pink bow

ASSISTANT: Roger Haugen was one of many who supported Dennis Olsen during the 24 hour trip. There was also nothing to say about the effort when it comes to sets.

Photo: Stein S. Eide / NRK

– The legs have been quite hard

He considers that the trip went well, but does not hide that 24 hours of activity eroded the body.

– The form is surprisingly good, but a few hours have passed. And the legs have been quite hard, the left leg has been heavy at times. But I have not been cold and have eaten and drunk a lot.

But how was the idea really conceived?

– I was running, so I came up with this idea. Then I quickly called and introduced it to the others. People asked me if it shouldn’t take just 12 hours, which was enough, but 12 hours is somehow not that crazy. I took my first break after 12 hours.

The goal was to raise 100,000 crowns for the Rosa sløyfe breast cancer campaign. It has succeeded.

– I am very happy and very proud. It was a hairy goal, but it worked.

The Cancer Society: – Heartwarming and inspiring

Secretary General of the Cancer Society in Pink Ribbon

RØRT: Norwegian Cancer Society Secretary General Ingrid Stenstadvold Ross believes Dennis Olsen is a great role model and is impressed by the effort.

Photo: Norwegian Cancer Society

The general secretary of the Norwegian Cancer Society, Ingrid Stenstadvold Ross, highly appreciates the literally sharp invention.

– I must say that I am very impressed that Dennis walked Elverum for 24 hours. The commitment she shows to all women and men affected by breast cancer is both moving and inspiring.

She thinks it’s great that he managed to raise such a significant sum at the same time.

– We are humble and grateful that you have raised 100,000 crowns that can be used for personalized breast cancer research.

Gives a sense of dominance

She hopes Olsen inspires others.

– We want to thank everyone who plays Dennis and dyes our country pink, whether it’s wearing a pink bow, running the Pink Bow race, or other exciting and creative inventions for the cause of cancer.

Dennis Olsen has recently lost up to 50 kilos. And it does not hide the fact that it was a good feeling to reach the goal after the effort, and that it gives a kick to do original stunts.

– It gives a feeling of dominance. I like to do some things that not many others can say they have done. Like walking through Drammen-Oslo, all the districts of Oslo, and now walking for 24 hours. I hope I can tell my grandchildren.
