“Bastard chef”: – He was locked up in the hospital.

[ad_1] Popular blogger Asbjørn Sandøy (43), better known as “Kokkejævel”, jumped to the blogging list in the last year. With honest texts on private life, he has gained a large following, who enthusiastically follow what he does. Therefore, many have closely followed the last week, as Sandøy has been in …

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King Harald on engagement: –

[ad_1] Bringing your girlfriend home to dinner for the first time is something many people dread, but it certainly can be compared to what King Harald had to go through in his time. There was no doubt that Miss Sonja Haraldsen was allowed to invite to the palace, and it …

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Close all of Wales – VG

[ad_1] CLOSURE: Very strict measures are being introduced across Wales to control the spread of the infection within the country. Photo: Ben Birchall / PA Wire The Welsh authorities are pushing the big button and shutting down the entire community for two weeks. As of Friday, all Welsh people without …

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French authorities: – Huge raid after the professor’s murder

[ad_1] On Friday, 47-year-old French high school teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded and killed in a Paris suburb after showing Muhammad cartoons during a school lesson. The designated perpetrator, an 18-year-old man of Chechen origin, was shot and killed by the police. The French authorities have described the incident as …

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– Shoot a cop, 2000 per head!

[ad_1] I’m going to kill you, just wait. I will find out where your ladies live and then I will rape your children. » This is one of many threats recently received by the Oslo police officers. TV 2 has read 38 indictments, all of which will be brought before …

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