Over 50 Armenian Soldiers Killed Despite Ceasefire Agreement – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


The war in the Caucasus continues unabated, despite several ceasefire agreements.

It is the Defense Ministry of Artsakh, which is the name that the Armenians give to Nagorno-Karabakh, which announced on Thursday morning new figures of significant casualties for its own forces.

It is unclear how long the 51 soldiers have lost their lives.

But authorities in the Armenian-controlled area inside Azerbaijan say 1,119 of its soldiers have lost their lives since fighting broke out on September 27.

Azerbaijan: Armenians shoot civilians

Azerbaijan has launched a full-blown military offensive to regain the territory it lost control of in the early 1990s and has made significant military gains in the north and especially in the southern part of the conflict zone.

Azerbaijan has not released its own military casualty figures, but they are probably as large as the Armenian casualties.

Barda - woman

A woman searches for her relatives after the attack on the Azerbaijani city of Barda on Wednesday, October 28


On the other hand, Azerbaijan has said that Armenian forces have attacked civilian targets.

On Wednesday, the Red Cross also confirmed that a volunteer from the organization was killed along with several civilians when Armenian forces fired rockets at Barda.

The city is located on the eastern edge of Nagorno-Karabakh, but it has always been controlled by the Azerbaijani authorities.

According to the Azerbaijani authorities, 21 civilians were killed in the attack, which may be one of the worst attacks against civilians so far in the Caucasian war.

Azerbaijani died

A woman walks past a monument to those killed in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, in the Azerbaijani capital, Baku.


New negotiations in Geneva today

Both Azerbaijan and Armenia have attacked civilian targets. Not least, the capital, Stepanakert, in the Armenian-controlled part of Nagorno-Karabakh, has come under repeated attacks.

The same goes for Ganja, which is the second largest city in Azerbaijan.

The plan is for talks to take place in Geneva on Thursday in the so-called Minsk format, where Russia, France and the United States try to end fighting between Armenians and Azerbaijanis.
