Outbreaks at Hammerfest: – – Infection spreads through Finnmark


Last Thursday, two Hammerfest Hospital employees were diagnosed with the coronavirus, and the infection has since spread to many close contacts of the two cases. On Wednesday, the hospital claims that a total of 15 hospital employees have been infected and 113 employees are in quarantine.

A total of 25 have been confirmed infected and 170 in quarantine in the municipality. Additionally, cases of infection have been identified in both Alta and Trondheim that are related to the ongoing outbreak.

– This is a very contagious virus and difficult to control. This is a serious and difficult situation. And we see that the infection is now spreading throughout Finnmark, says Mayor Marianne Sivertsen Næss at Hammerfest at Wednesday’s press conference, according to iFinnmark.

MANY INFECTED: A total of 25 people in Hammerfest Township have been diagnosed with the coronavirus and more are expected to become infected. Photo: Lisa Strachan / Shutterstock / NTB
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Waiting for more infection

The mayor says that they are in a serious and difficult situation.

– We expect more infection, she says according to NTB.

Since the last press conference on Tuesday morning, two foreign workers have tested positive, he also has two close contacts and a young man the municipality assumes may have been infected in Brygga Mathus on October 8.

Three people from the national FHI infection tracking team have traveled to Hammerfest to help.

– We are in the process of mass testing of employees, writes the hospital.

I was stuck in the hospital

I was stuck in the hospital


Currently, three patients are hospitalized with coronary heart disease in the hospital, which in recent days have been on red alert.

Due to infection control measures, the hospital’s capacity has been greatly reduced and the hospital is assisted by other treatment centers in Finnmark.

– We closely follow developments, take the necessary measures to handle the situation both in the short term and in the slightly longer term, and work to take care of patients and staff in the best possible way, the hospital writes.
