Outbreak in Agder – Urgent decision: bans events


On Saturday night, the municipalities gathered for a joint crisis meeting, which also included the county governor’s emergency department and the National Institute of Public Health.

– Municipalities make a similar decision that all forms of events and meetings where individuals gather outside the home, do not take place until Monday, November 16, writes the municipality of Farsund in a press release and continues:

– The reason is that municipalities need time to have a better overview of the current infection situation.

WHEN: In this way, the vaccine, which is in development, can stop the coronavirus. Video from AP. Journalist: Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV. 03.17.2020.
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– Unclear

In the last 24 hours, 43 new infected people have been registered after a Romanian environment organized several meetings at the Bethany House of Prayer in Lyngdal. The municipality describes it as a “foreign language environment” with branches in Lindesnes, Farsund and Søgne.

In addition, an outbreak recently occurred in Farsund, where 97 people have been infected.

Due to a common labor and housing market, the order also applies in the municipalities of Hægebostad and Kvinesdal. Flekkefjord Municipality does not implement any orders, but issues a strong recommendation.

The order is an urgent decision based on the Infection Control Law §4-1, according to the Lyngdal Municipality. The contagion situation is “serious and confusing,” according to the municipality’s press release.

– We have had a hard time the last few days, says the leader of the Romanian congregation to NRK on Saturday night.

The director says there were mostly young people in the meetings.

– I really hope it does not infect someone in the risk group. We didn’t want anything bad. We are very sorry for what happened.

Dramatic change: - Has no control

Dramatic change: – Has no control

Police report

Lyngdal Mayor Jan Kristensen (H) tells Dagbladet that the municipality takes the outbreak very seriously, especially since they don’t know how big it is.

– The attendance to the congregation has a certain number. There were five different meetings last weekend. Many of the same people have probably used these. When we get a complete list and overview, it starts to zoom in. We also lack some evidence of children in the Romanian environment, says the mayor.

– All families that tested positive are now testing their children, the leader in the environment promises to NRK.

In a press release on Saturday afternoon, it was reported that the municipality is going to the police for a violation of the Infection Control Act. Kristensen confirms to Fædrelandsvennen that a person is reported for violating the rules of quarantine and isolation.

– I think it should have been avoided, says the mayor to Dagbladet.

– There are so many who have reported it before, from a central level and in the media. We take this very seriously and we are being followed up. “We must use the channels we have to show seriousness,” says the mayor of the review.

CROWN: Health and Care Services Minister Bent Høye believes that it is problematic for people to travel to nearby municipalities for a party. Video: NTB
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New meetings on Sunday

According to Kristensen, the municipality’s infection detection team works full time.

– They are charged of course, but they are followed up and they get the rest they need. They certainly stretch. So it will be in such a situation.

So far, no decision has been made on any measures related to schools and kindergartens. This is being considered and more information will arrive on Sunday.

– There are new meetings starting at 10 in the region and subsequent internal meetings throughout the day, confirms the mayor.

According to Mayor Kristensen, no serious illness has been reported among those infected. Most of those infected are in their 20s and 30s.
