Oslo’s nightlife giant closes half of its nightclubs after new crown measures


– From a purely financial point of view, it’s not worth keeping it open, says CEO Karl-Henning Svendsen of NOHO Norway to Børsen.

The company operates, among other places, the Kulturhuset, Grisen, Colonel Mustard, Youngs and Eilefs Landhandleri nightclubs in the capital.

On Monday, the government announced that they are further tightening the crown’s measures to overcome the contagion situation in Norway. Among other things, the use of face masks is mandatory for guests and employees in restaurants where you do not sit at a table. It is also forbidden to let guests in after 10pm.

– It is also indicated that you should preferably have a home office, and that the number of contacts should not exceed ten people in social contexts for a week. With all these restrictions, you will get out, Svendsen asks.

He says his nightclubs will have reduced opening hours in the future. Some days, nightclubs won’t be open at all, he says.

– We have also concluded to completely close up to half of the places, he says.
