Oslo, Police | Flee the police – five minutes later they found the car dumped on the roof


Running away from the police, ended up on the roof.

At 20:49, the Oslo police report that there has been only one accident in the center of Oslo, at the Kongens / Myntgata gate intersection.

The car involved has ended up on the roof.

– Several people are continuously seen from this. We want to contact them regarding the state of health and the course of events, the police write.

The background to the accident was that the car passed through Møllergata for the first time in central Oslo. A police patrol turned on blue lights to control the car and the driver. So the car must have set speed and driven in the direction of Karl Johan.

Notify Oslo is informed of this by Magne Olsvoll, operations manager in the Oslo police district.

– The police car turned off the blue lights, simply to avoid creating dangerous situations. We send several patrols downtown to search for the car, and after about five minutes there is a patrol that sees that the car has crashed at the Kongens / Myntgata gate intersection, Olsvoll says.

Flee the place

Several people are said to have been in the car and fled the scene, and witnesses at the scene are said to have pointed the police in their direction.

According to the operations manager, the police have control of two people around 9:10 p.m., but do not know if they are injured.

– Since they fled the scene, I assume they are not seriously injured, says Olsvoll.

What is the reason why the patrol wanted to check the car when it was driving in Møllergata?

I have not received any comments on this yet, responds the operations manager.

The police are still on the scene with several patrols, and the rescue of the car is also on the way.

Looking for the rest

– Now we have to take the witness statements and see if we can get an explanation from those to whom we have control over who should have been in the car, says Olsvoll.

At the moment, the police are not sure how many people have been in the car, but they have received reports that there must be five people. They are looking for these downtown.

– But it has taken some time, so if they got away from there first, they may have gotten away by bus or train. We are continuing to work on this on the investigation track, says the operations manager.

Just before 9:30 p.m., the task leader at the site, Tom Berger, informs Avisa Oslo that they have control of four people who can connect to the vehicle.

– The police tried to stop a car that was traveling at very high speed, but did not stop to control it. They walked away from the police, who did not follow them. Soon after, we found the car like this, with relatively large damage, he says.

– People have been seen running from the car on camera and we have actively searched for them. Eventually we got control of four people who, to a greater or lesser degree, can join the vehicle. One is arrested and three are taken away. One is injured, all four are taken to the emergency room, he adds.

We are updating the case!


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