Oslo, Koronaviruset | Oslo municipality on infection pressure: we must do the same this spring


The municipality of Oslo believes that the inhabitants have shrugged their shoulders too much and is now asking people to return to the behavior of the first months of the pandemic.

The contagion pressure in the capital continues to be high and in the last 24 hours there have been 55 new cases of coronary disease.

– I think we should all be concerned when we see that the numbers of infections increase. We have been in this situation for more than six months, and we will be for a while longer, says health adviser Robert Steen (Labor) in Oslo to NTB.

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Last week, the number of weeks increased to 210 new cases, the highest in a single week since April. On Saturday, the number of weeks already increased by 245 cases.

The Health Council believes that the main reason for rising infection rates is that people have dropped their shoulders too far and become too careless with basic infection control tips.

– The meter is important, but in some contexts it seems that it has shrunk and to some extent has also completely disappeared. We have to go back to the behavior we had this spring when we reduced the infection, says Steen.

Oslo may be the reddest in Europe

The infection situation in Bergen has attracted a lot of attention in recent weeks. While the situation now appears to be stabilizing in Bergen, the infection is spreading in Oslo.

14 of the 15 districts of the capital now have a red level. Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad said on Friday that he is not sure whether people are aware of the seriousness of the situation.

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– Infection rates are high. Oslo is not unlikely to be among the reddest cities in all of Europe if development continues as it is now, Nakstad told NRK.

Considering squeeze

On Friday, the municipality announced that they are considering tightening measures starting next week.

– Yesterday we tested 1,900, and now there are these 55 new cases. I receive these figures first thing in the morning every day and we follow the events very closely. We must also do our evaluations accordingly, Steen says.

Among the measures that can be introduced is a tightening of the maximum accumulation limit in private and public contexts.

This can mean rules that a maximum of ten people are Sami in private and 50 at public events, as well as rules that guests must identify themselves at nightclubs. In addition, there may be rules to reduce visits to health institutions.

Calling for the tracking app

Health Advisor Steen believes that as long as we have coronary heart disease in the community and want to live in a relatively open society, we must prepare for local outbreaks.

– The infection will rise and fall locally, but I’m more concerned with the bigger picture. If this is the beginning of a second wave, it will put resources in municipalities under enormous pressure. The municipal health service has been at the forefront for six months and people are starting to tire, Steen says.

You’re looking for the Smittestopp app, which you think could ease pressure across the country.

– We use a lot of manual capacity for tracking. I know that Germany is very successful with their application, so I wonder why we don’t have it yet, she says.

(© NTB)
