Oslo Frp put under administration:


FRP leader Siv Jensen and deputy leader Sylvi Listhaug. Photo: Berit Roald, NTB

Oslo Frp has been put under administration after it has “become a problem for many in the party,” says Frp leader Siv Jensen.

– We have received many comments from union stewards and elected representatives across the country and reactions from voters who are concerned about the events in Oslo. That’s why we’re tackling this now, says Jensen.

The news that the county team is being managed came shortly after it was decided exclude county team leader Geir Ugland Jacobsen from the party.

Jensen denies that it is a power struggle between different wings of the party.

– There is a high ceiling for various political offices in Frp, but there is no room for disloyalty to decisions made legally. We have been and will continue to be a liberal popular party, says the party leader.

See the interview with Geir Ugland Jacobsen in the video below.

Deputy Director Sylvi Listhaug believes that Ugland Jacobsen “has repeatedly damaged the reputation of the party, our members and shop stewards.”

– The Oslo county leader has suffered several abuses. The party has received a lot of negative comments from across the country, both from party members and from voters on the way it leads the party. Such behavior cannot be tolerated, he says.

Listhaug says the discussion about what kind of party Frp should be has been raised multiple times.

– The vast majority of FRP members have joined a liberal popular party and want the FRP to remain so. Then we see that there are forces in Oslo who want the party to be something else, and who have thoroughly rejected it in the national government, but who continue this fight. So it’s about setting limits, he says.

Listhaug also says that there have been proposals in the party to which they have received strong reactions. For example, related to the elections in the United States.

– So there are different conditions here that have led to now being enough.

The interim board will be comprised of: Ketil Solvik-Olsen, Per-Willy Amundsen, Peter N. Myhre, Jon Georg Dale, and Kari Kjønaas Kjos.

The Progress Party shut down the home team in Bergen in December 2019. Later, the party leadership said they did so because of many protracted internal conflicts in the home team.

Demand that the party explain

Kent Andersen, a member of the Oslo Frp county council, demands that the party get in touch.

– I have not received any internal information from the party and I cannot relate to the information I receive through the press. I demand that the party get in touch and tell what is happening, he tells VG.

SURPRISED: Carl I. Hagen says he waits for an explanation. Photo: Tore Kristiansen

– Waiting for an explanation

Carl I. Hagen tells NRK that he is shocked by the central board’s decision.

– I’m in shock and I don’t understand anything. I hope I get some explanation, and I won’t get it tonight, says Hagen.

Storting representative Christian Tybring-Gjedde reacts to Dagbladet as follows:

– I am surprised, speechless and sorry. Beyond that, I have no comment, says Tybring-Gjedde.

– Management must go alone

The local team leader at Nordre Aker Frp, Arne Østreng, had imagined that Jacobsen could be sent off, but was still shocked when it happened. You think the decision is unreasonable.

– It is very unfortunate that shop stewards are excluded. Rather you should ask yourself what is the reason we have regressed in measurements in recent years. The direction must go alone, he tells VG.

The leader of the study in Oslo Frp, Dag Myhre, who has been positive about the leadership of the party, but they have recently put a brake on the political discussion. He believes this could have been done democratically.

– I had confidence in Siv jensen, now I have a little more doubt. We should have had an alternative so that we could have a real vote on the leadership position. If there are two pieces in a party vote, you can vote blank, Myhre tells VG.

– It is not a matter of personnel, but a political matter. It was treated as a matter of personnel to be able to keep things hidden, Myhre says.

The case is being updated
