Oslo City Hall, Lan Marie Berg | Neighbors rage against Lan Marie Berg (ODM):


– You may not have been familiar with the project, says a spokesperson for the task force for a new E6 tunnel at the eastern end of Oslo.

Residents along the E6 at Manglerud in Oslo have been waiting for 25 years for a tunnel that will put traffic underground, but the Oslo city council will archive the entire project.

– A development in the E6 Oslo East will pump cars and exhaust gases in Oslo and pollute the air for asthmatics, children, young people and the elderly in our city, said the advisor of the environment and transport agency Lan Marie Berg (MDG) Nettavisen on Sunday.

The statements now make the affected neighbors react strongly.

– It is obvious that Lan Marie Berg cannot have understood what this project is about. He speaks of asthmatics, children, young and old, and uses them as an excuse to oppose the E6 Oslo East. The project is precisely about eliminating harmful noise and air pollution for the people living in the area, says Eili Vigestad Berge, a member of the Action Group for the E6 Oslo East to Nettavisen environmental project.

Also read: Residents have been waiting for the tunnel for 25 years. Now the conservatives ask the opponent for help

– it is a great betrayal

Berge, who is also the leader of Østensjø Venstre, says that there is now a heated debate on social media and in the local community, the black paint of the road from the Transport Agency.

– Those of us who live and work throughout the current E6 now live with harmful noise and air pollution every day. E6 Oslo East will eliminate air pollution and exhaust gases for children, young people and the elderly in our district, he says, and at the same time notes:

– Those of us who live in the area have been promised this tunnel for 25 years. Meanwhile, traffic has only increased and is expected to increase significantly in the coming years.

He also attributes much of the blame to the Labor Party, which is part of the city council.

– The fact that the Labor Party has become in this case means in practice that those of us who live in the area, the children who go to school and kindergarten, must live with a completely unacceptable environmental impact. It’s a great betrayal, believes Berge.

Also read: FRP attacks Oslo City Council for controversial road plan: – We must exceed the MDGs

– Can’t get all the traffic

On Sunday, the Progress Party came out and said that the Oslo City Council, led by the Green Party (ODM), must be overcome by a state highway regulation.

– If the MDGs in the city hall are allowed to continue like this, then we just have to execute a state zoning plan and exceed them, says Parliamentary representative and vice chairman of the Storting transport committee Bård Hoksrud (Frp), to Nettavisen

– FRP clearly does not care about the environment or local democracy, was Berg’s response.

Hoksrud pointed out that local people want the project and therefore they are listened to if the project is done. The task force fully agrees.

– We are many people in the Østensjø and Nordstrand district who very clearly demand a solution to the enormous environmental impact that E6 has through our local environment. The Østensjø district committee has been very clear in its support for the project. There are real reasons to question how well the Oslo City Council listens to local democracy, says Berge.

She notes that there are roughly 30,000 people living in the area along E6 / Ring 3.

– There are as many living in a medium-sized Norwegian city, so those of us who live here deserve a solution now, he says, adding:

– It was also homes, schools and kindergartens that were there first. So we’ve become the talk of colossal traffic growth because traffic is routed here and away from other urban areas. We treat everyone else in the city with clean air, but we can’t keep all the traffic.

– It is a mockery of people

Berge says the city council has promised noise reduction measures, but believes that it is not enough.

– The MDGs and the city council will take mitigation measures by building higher noise barriers and planting trees. The only problem is that there are no more remedial measures to take. Both the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and the Urban Environment Agency have confirmed that this type of measure will have no effect on improving noise and air pollution. This is a mockery of the people who live here, he thinks.

It also points out that a large proportion of the traffic in the local environment is dense.

– I support the goal of 100 percent zero growth, but if everyone stopped driving, a lot of trailers would still roar in our local environment, says Berge.

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– Old-fashioned politics

However, the Oslo environmental council believes that FRPs are old-fashioned when fighting for the highway.

– The car-based urban planning advocated by Frp is outdated and polluting. Most people in Oslo travel by public transport, on foot or by bicycle. More highway only leads to more cars, more traffic jams, and pollution. However, politicians like Bård Hoksrud have claimed for decades that the new highways will solve traffic and our environmental problems, Berg said on Sunday.

He also believes that FRP has “fully given the go-ahead for better noise protection, lower speed limits and less car traffic that can improve conditions for residents.”

Berge has the following comment on this:

– Berg talks about being in favor of a highway. The road is already there. To be from E6 Oslo East is to be in favor of an environmental solution and to create opportunities for urban development. Would the MDGs also be against the Opera Tunnel that kept human trafficking away and created fantastic opportunities to create a city for people? We have seen how moving traffic away from where people live and work in this city creates opportunities. Now it’s our turn to drive traffic away from our local community, he says.

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Price: 16 billion

The E6 Oslo East project includes a section of approximately 15 kilometers of the current E6 between Klemetsrud and Trosterud in Oslo. After the city of Oslo determined the planning program for the road section in 2016, an expanded planning area was subsequently announced to study new alternative routes for the E6 in a tunnel under Manglerud, between Abildsø and the Ulven area. / Alna in Oslo.

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration has already planned much of the project, and what remains is a regulation of the tunnel and obtaining the funding. In the 2016 Oslo Package 3 agreement, this was a priority project. But since the Oslo City Council made it clear that they no longer want the tunnel when they were re-elected in 2019, the project is no longer on the Norwegian Public Roads Administration’s list of priority projects in the National Transport Plan.

The price of the project is estimated at NOK 16 billion and construction is planned to start in the period 2024-2028.


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