Oslo City Hall, Lan Marie Berg


The parents have had enough that the new kindergarten is empty. They demand a response from Councilor Lan Marie Berg (ODM).

VOKSENEKKEN, OSLO (Nettavisen): – The City Council puts ideology before our children, says Elisabeth Prøsch.

The online newspaper knows her and two other parents of young children, Sindre Stub and Mari Norman. All three have children who were supposed to start in the kindergarten in Voksenkollen, a few steps above Holmenkollen.

Across the street, we see a cozy new kindergarten. But nobody opens the door.

Read more: The new kindergarten is empty: – The municipal bureaucracy at its worst

Click the pic to enlarge.  Parents

NEW KINDERGARTEN: In the background is the new kindergarten, which is completely empty.
Photo: Espen Teigen (Online newspaper)

– Now Lan really has to wake up. You need to get acquainted with the case and fix it, says Prøsch. The other parents nod.


They are frustrated. Parents moved to ensure the best education for their children. Before buying the apartment, they were urgently promised a new kindergarten. The promise is not kept. Instead, the children have to go to a temporary kindergarten 50 meters from the road, while the new kindergarten is completely empty.

The City Council refuses to open the new kindergarten for one reason: they demand that the kindergarten must first widen the sidewalk.

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Click the pic to enlarge.  New kindergarten

BRAND NEW: This kindergarten in Voksenkollen in Oslo is big, new and finished. But the Norlandia company is not authorized to use it.
Photo: Espen Teigen (Online newspaper)

Norlandia is the company behind the new kindergarten. They claim to have waited for the municipality to process the application. They didn’t want to expand the sidewalk the wrong way. When the kindergarten before the sidewalk was finished, they applied for a temporary use permit and provided a monetary guarantee to assure the municipality that the sidewalk will be built.

But the answer has been a resounding no from Councilor Lan Marie Berg (ODM). They repeat that Norlandia will have to widen the sidewalk before the kindergarten opens.

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Click the pic to enlarge.  Temporary kindergarten

TEMPORARY: While the new kindergarten is empty, the children of a temporary kindergarten walk 50 meters away.
Photo: Espen Teigen (Online newspaper)

The three parents of small children move with the strollers and we find a small table made for small children in thermal suits. After a little effort we managed to sit down.

– It’s frustrating. Several houses in the area have received a temporary use permit, despite the lack of sidewalks. It’s strange that precedents are set here, says Sindre Stub as he plays with the child in the stroller.

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Click the pic to enlarge.  Sindre Stub.

FRUSTRATED: Sindre Stub believes it is inconsistent on the part of the city council, as several houses in the area have received a temporary use permit.
Photo: Espen Teigen (Online newspaper)

Parents feel exposed to a principled debate between a private kindergarten actor, on the one hand, and the city council, on the other.

– It is surprising that our children are the ones who have to bear the consequences. Norlandia was probably wrong. But ultimately, it’s about what’s best for children, says Prøsch.

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Clear message for MDG-Lan

They point out that Norlandia has given the guarantee not to increase the number of children with temporary use permits. The kindergarten actor says that it is important that they do not increase the load on the road.

– Thus, they have a clear pressure on them to finish that sidewalk. They don’t want empty apartments, Norman says.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Mari norman

NOTHING TO SAY: The daycare company has agreed not to accept any more children if they are allowed to use the new daycare. Therefore, the load on the road will not change.
Photo: Espen Teigen (Online newspaper)

Parents have a clear message for the responsible city councilor, Lan Marie Berg:

– Can’t Lan come? Then she will see this with her own eyes, and we will clear up this matter. I wonder if he really investigated this thoroughly, says Prøsch.

She hopes the city council will change and reports to the Planning and Construction Agency to arrange a temporary use permit for this kindergarten.

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– The main point is that it will not change the load on the road, open or not. There is no change. He has nothing to say, she says.

Do not comment yourself

The online newspaper contacted the city council for comments from Councilor Lan Marie Berg (ODM). She herself does not comment on the case. The adviser refers to the fact that the city council called a hearing on Friday. However, the inquiry was sent two days earlier.

– Norlandia has always been aware that they must walk up the sidewalk before they can use the kindergarten. This is a very common requirement that developers often have to deal with. As soon as the sidewalk has been worked on, the municipality will issue a use permit for the kindergarten to open, writes City Clerk Morten Nordskag in an email.
