Oslo City Council, Conservatives | Will have a total ban on fireworks on New Year’s Eve in Oslo


The SV and MDG town hall parties will stop all fireworks in Oslo on New Year’s Eve.

In most countries, fireworks are free on New Year’s Eve.

In Oslo, private fireworks within Ring 2 have been banned for several years, but the municipality has held a large-scale fireworks display.

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Total ban

In a new proposal, SV’s Ola Wolff Elvevold and MDG’s Sirin Hellvin Stav (MDG) want to ban private fireworks entirely. But they don’t stop there: they also want an end to municipal fireworks. The proposal presented to the city council says:

  • The City Council asks the City Council to present, at the end of November, proposals for regulatory changes that extend the area of ​​prohibition of private fireworks to the entire municipality of Oslo.
  • At the same time, the City Council is asked to work to replace municipal fireworks with alternatives such as light shows or the like in the long term.

MDG and SV believe that consideration of animals in particular calls for a total ban.

– Every year private fireworks place great stress on domestic animals, farm animals and wild animals, causing significant damage to people and property, and large-scale garbage. For thousands of animal owners and thousands of animals, New Year’s Eve is nothing to look forward to, Elvevold and Stav write in the proposal.

The article continues after the measurement.

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– Party brake

Conservatives strongly disagree with the proposal and believe that the timing of this proposal is strange.

– City council leader Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) a few days ago encouraged people to drop the Christmas table this year, and no one knows yet how many we can gather around the Christmas tree or for the Christmas dinner. Now SV and MDG are coming in and demanding that no one be able to send some fireworks, conservative Nicolai Langfeldt tells Nettavisen.

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Click the pic to enlarge.  Nicolai Langfeldt

STRANGER: Conservative Nicolai Langfeldt thinks it’s strange that city council parties are in favor of banning fireworks altogether.
Photo: Right

He believes that the city council parties act as “party brakes.”

– Normally there is no battle for the party brake stand, but there are new times in Oslo. It’s bad enough that we have to deal with the coronavirus that will limit social interaction during the Christmas and New Years weekend. Therefore, I hope that Raymond Johansen and the Labor Party will agree to end this unnecessary ban, says Langfeldt.

The conservative politician adds that he understands that people with animals are skeptical of fireworks.

– It is very true that some dog owners experience the minutes around midnight as demanding, and I understand that. But this has been resolved before and will be resolved in the future.
