Oslo can receive more doses of vaccine


Technical Director Frode Forland of the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) told TV 2 that they sent a proposal to the ministry to change the vaccine strategy.

– We propose to consider a change in strategy in view of the fact that the risk landscape has now changed with mutated viruses and outbreaks in various parts of Norway and mainly in Oslo, says Forland.

– What strategy are we talking about specifically?

– It is about assessing whether it may be relevant to give them more vaccine in areas where the infection is highest, says Forland.

– Disturbing

The proposal, which was sent to the ministry earlier this week, could be particularly important in light of a sharp increase in infection both nationally and regionally.

In the capital, the infection rate is now the highest in more than three months. This worries both health leaders and the general population.

– The situation is disturbing in Oslo and Agder, but also in Viken, says Forland.

With the high number of infections, the proposal of the Municipality of Oslo stands out, among others, that municipalities with high infection pressure receive more doses of vaccine than those with little or no infection.

The proposal is under discussion. NIPH is awaiting a decision from the Ministry of Health and Care Services.

Tighter measures

On Friday, 231 new corona infections were recorded in Oslo. This is double the average of last week, which was 115 infected per day.

– They were worried. It is a severe blow for Oslo, which has consistently worked to reduce the infection, says health director Bjørn Guldvog of the Norwegian Health Directorate.

Councilor Raymond Johansen has announced that the reopening of the capital will take place in a gradual and controlled manner. This reopening appears to have now been suspended.

In addition to considering changes to the vaccination strategy, stricter measures are also being considered in Oslo.

– We are considering whether we can implement measures that prevent people from having a lot of social contact, which contributes to an increase in infection, says Guldvog.

In addition, health authorities will assess the need for regional measures.

– The infection will not stay within the city limits when you have such a high level of infection, says Guldvog.

Several places around Oslo also have a high infection pressure. On Friday, 39 cases of infection were recorded in the last 24 hours in Lillestrøm. 36 cases were registered in Bærum The case is being updated!
