Oslo Børs jumps after positive vaccine news – E24


The pharmaceutical company Pfizer reports that the corona vaccine is 90 percent effective. Markets are getting a big boost.

Lise Åserud


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The main index on the Oslo Stock Exchange has risen more than one percent since the start of Monday morning, and the rise will continue throughout the morning.

The index gets a significant boost after positive news about vaccines. The increase is 3 percent at 1:02 p.m.

The stock market continues to rise the international stock market. US futures are rising, as are oil prices and European stock markets.

Pfizer and Biontech report that sample data shows that their corona vaccine is 90 percent effective. The shares were up 11 and 27 percent, respectively, before trading on Wall Street.

– This is very positive news for the market, says Chief Strategist Erica Blomgren at SEB to E24.

– The US “Food and Drug Administration” (Agency within the US federal Department of Health and Social Affairs) will be asked.

The patients were protected from illness seven days after the second of two doses and 28 days after the first, according to preliminary results.

“The first results from our phase 3 testing of the COVID-19 vaccine provide early indications that the vaccine is capable of preventing COVID-19,” said a statement from Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.

Equinor rises 6 percent

Of the stocks that contributed the most to the rise on the Oslo Stock Exchange, we have the oil giant Equinor, which is rising 5.7%, the share of hydrogen Nel is rising 4.5% and the share of Mowi salmon is up 4.9%.

Lower level for Norwegian

Before the opening of the Oslo Stock Exchange, the Ministry of Trade and Industry announced that it will no longer provide financial support to Norwegian. Erik G. Braathen’s new company is not getting any more money from the state either.

The Norwegian stock fell sharply after the news, reaching its lowest level at 49 øre during early trading. The shares fell more than 20 percent in the morning.

The Norwegian case is less serious after the novelty of the vaccine. On Monday afternoon, the stock fell 6.83 percent to 0.6 kroner.

On the same day, the Oslo Stock Exchange placed the Norwegian stock under special observation. It will be until there is “more clarity” in the situation, according to a message from Børsen.

The state’s extraordinary contribution to aviation this year amounts to NOK 13 billion, says the ministry.

also read

The state says no to more Norwegian support: – A fist to the stomach

Boost of the stock market after electoral clarification

As before, Asian stock markets have rallied widely overnight, after Joe Biden was named the winner of the US presidential election this weekend.

The strongest rise was recorded in Japan, where the Tokyo Stock Exchange rose more than two percent. Here, the Nikkei index has reached its highest level since late 1991 overnight, according to Reuters.
