Oslo and Bergen say no to home school before Christmas – VG


STAYS OPEN: Inga Marte Thorkildsen (SV) says it is not relevant to close schools earlier than planned. Photo: Tore Kristiansen, VG

The municipalities of Oslo and Bergen have decided that the schools will stick to the established school plan and will not rush the Christmas holidays.

The debate surrounding the Oslo school and a possible Christmas party earlier has recently erupted. On Monday afternoon, they decided to stick with the plan. Other municipalities around Oslo are assessing the situation continuously, NTB reports.

– I am aware that the spread of the infection in schools in the last week before Christmas will be of great importance for the opportunity of many families to get together at Christmas, says Councilor for Education and Knowledge Inga Marte Thorkildsen (SV) in a Press release.

Thorkildsen says the debate arose when infection rates were increasing, but now they see that infection measures have worked.

– We have not received advice from health professionals that all students should stay home the last week before Christmas, he says.

– As expected

The leader of the Education Association in Oslo, Aina Skjefstad Andersen, tells VG that the decision of the city council is as expected.

– We have had a dialogue with the city council and the education agency about this. We have conveyed that there has been a desire from our members with primarily digital teaching in the last few weeks before Christmas. But we could also have conveyed the desire to organize daily school life in a way that provides for a more contagious past week, he says.

– We take note of this message, and we hope that there will be clear messages from the city council that you organize the last week at school in a wise meeting that will make the teachers feel safe and avoid entering a situation in which they put you in quarantine. during the Christmas holidays.

As possible measures to create infection control last week, he mentioned the possibility of having smaller permanent groups, more open-air schools and more adults present.

– The most important thing is to create that security, says Andersen.

Bergen is also open

Bergen also decided on Monday that the Christmas holidays should not be rushed.

The Vestland County Township has decided that the county’s upper secondary schools will be homeschooled on December 21-22, but this will not apply to elementary school.

The Bergen municipality decided on Monday, writes Bergensavisen.

– Infection rates have dropped dramatically in recent weeks and there is now little infection in our schools. When the contagion situation allows it, it is important that we guarantee students the best possible training offer, the advisor to the school councilor Endre Tvinnereim tells the newspaper.

Considering changes outside of Oslo

In some municipalities, such as Bærum and Nordre Follo, December 22 is set as the last school day before Christmas.

In Bærum, the school management will decide on Tuesday whether the schools will take a Christmas break from the 18th, the municipality informs NTB.

Nordre Follo has already decided that primary school pupils can apply to their contact teacher for a license on the 21st and 22nd in order to take the self-imposed quarantine. In high school, digital teaching takes place these two days, and there will be no students in school, indicates the municipality.

As in Oslo, on December 18, the municipality of Lillestrøm has the last school day before Christmas.

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